8 days now.
Feeling very good and this has been the case very consistently for the past 5 days. Still weak but noticeably less weak than i felt at this point in the previous fast. I expect i am the beneficiary of a reduced (but not eliminated) toxic load. Looking forward to seeing if i begin to actually feel strong while fasting. Feeling this good, the fast continues to proceed effortlessly and continues to be marked by about 23 hours of laying down each day.
My morning wake up routine includes checking pulse and blood pressure, using the potty, checking my tongue, capturing my weight, writing down the data then usually 2 minutes of mini trampoline.
To my list of practices within this fast i forgot to add daily dry skin brushing and periodic gentle stretching.
So far i have been too thirsty to dry fast for any substantial periods. After the initial 44 hours which wasn't particularly difficult, there have been periods of 24 hours, 18, 30, 15 and 15, each of which was more difficult than the 44. If ever the absence of moderate thirst permits, i would enjoy going deeper into this reaching at least 48 hours. How amazingly satisfying it feels to drink pure water once moderate thirst arises and holds it's ground!. I estimate that i have been drinking about 1-1.5 liters per day to satisfy moderate thirst.
Physical hunger remains at Zero and has been this way consistently over the past 5 days.
Mental/emotional cravings continue to be very mild at this point, even more so than upon my last update.
"Strangely and perhaps interestingly, there was a coated tongue upon awakening at 1.5 days (which was still deep into the dry fast), but once i was drinking water, at 2.5 and 3.5 days, the tongue was not coated upon awakening."... All things considered and with two recent 30 day fasts behind me, it is possible that the toxemia is gone... but i don't dare allow myself to be so optimistic at this early stage.
To follow up on this, from 4.5 days to present, there has been a lightly coated tongue each morning... So... i am not toxemia-free as yet . Can anybody imagine what it would be like to reach this amazing place? What will i feel like if within the next several weeks all toxemia is eliminated from my body and i am as toxemia-free as the day i was born? That's what i ask myself