Today 9/16/16 that GNM link is not working. But I have read some of his work. But regardless of this, I have been pondering over this same concept. Having been a bilingual-medical-interpreter.... sitting in consultations with doctor and patient, translating whole consultations from beginning to end,and having had my own illnesses which could not be diagnosed, I often wondered why medicine dumps many symptoms as inconsequential.
I remember having all sorts of questions.... like if medicine is
Science based - why doesn't medicine investigate the CAUSE of symptoms. All I saw was prescriptions which all they did was camouflage the symptoms by forcing the body to change them or ignore them - nothing to do with looking at the cause and resolving the issue or issues that CREATE the symptoms. That would be more of a rational, science-based resolution.
...Like... their concept that diseases are static... meaning that a group of specific symptoms MUST have the same cause. In other words they believe that one disease has just ONE cause... that the possibility that many things may be the cause of the same disease, well... is just not conceivable to them. WHich I find to really be opposing nature. And they completely dismiss the mental other than to accuse you of mental illness - even as the medical community themselves object to psychiatry as being scientific at all!!. They just do not care about finding the TRUTH.
It completely makes sense that if the nervous system is the informer and director of everything in the body - instructing the various systems and organs AND receiving FEEDBACK from the MIND and EMOTIONS... AND that feedback as in the abdominal mind (enteric nervous system) which has everything to do with food..... that the brain WILL be a part of that history. And so therefore the brain may show that history.
I believe the body shows that history in many ways...acupuncture, hair, physical characteristics like tongue, iris, nails,etc., and why not the brain?
I mean, you cannot disregard that we were built from ONE microscopic CELL that divided ITSELF and developed into all these systems. It would be just plain stupidity to think that any part of our bodies is not connected or reflected in another. ESPECIALLY the nervous system.
With just having read a little of the connections with osteoporosis, I think its true that it is connected with spousal abuse. I was diagnosed with osteopenia and have much bone pain. I have struggled with a Narcissist as a spouse for 25 years. He made it impossible to disassociate from him due to also wanting to have contact with our children, although he gave 0 hoots for them. It was an issue of control for him. In addition, my first was autistic and that made things more difficult to fight to remove myself, as nothing could be proven in court and even to try would have risked losing that child to him (if the court does not see evidence of what you claim, then they see the problem with YOU, even though there is no evidence for THAT!).
The pain of this deception was just too much for me, it was an immense shock to my system. I believe this shock is the cause of my illness today.
Today the closest diagnosis to that is "adrenaline exhaustion" but for the medical community, this MUST clearly show up as markers in diagnostic tests.
And it happened to me once before with my first abusive husband - my "first love." But the illness took the form of additional symptoms largely the muscles, but bone pain too (and this was in my late teen and early 20s). After 12 years of suffering this and no medical help. I found healing with holistic medicine, and the first thing they worked on was "adrenaline exhaustion" before that concept was even heard of in medicine. (I never heard it while a bilingual-medical-interpreter).
Fight or flight - it made total sense.
I was healed within just 4-5 months of therapy (addressing the endocrine system and when we added Chiropractic then healing took faster - which stimulates and balances the nervous system via the skeletal structure! - bones again).
I have yet to address the current bone/shock problem, and equally worse now is my digestive system. ("I can't digest this anymore" feeling.) To top it off my second child became abusive to me too (their own shock over their father projected onto me, plus more feelings of abandonment as I was too busy with my autistic first child.).
I KNOW though that I WILL be healed as soon as I address this with holistic medicine which is what I am about to do. I feel my system is "short circuited' - which has brought me to reading about GNM. I can FEEEEL it. ANd I feel if I do not address that fundamental problem... no healing will come, especially not with conventional medicine.
Because of the overwhelming circumstances, I have not eatten well all these years, so I KNOW I am lacking in minerals and nutrients. Now in order for that to be digested, I need to heal my gut (trying bone broth homemade and probiotics homemade - to address the physical damage there, until I can find the right practitioner as my previous one passed away :( ).
I hope this all made some sense. : )