Last I spoke with a dentist, he stated that some root canals may not be clear of all bacteria when cleaning the hole prior to a root canal. If so, an infection will occur at the filled root. Some dentists will not do a thorough job of sealing the root and bacteria may enter the root area and infect it. Bacteria may find some way to enter the dead root and populate the prime real estate. Once you have that infection, the toxins released at the root leak to your vascular system (blood vessels) and, from what I've read, can affect the destination where they hit. So if the toxins leak to your heart area
This is why antibiotics are often given before and after many dental procedures. And if the toxins can seep in to the bloodstream then there is access of the bloodstream to carry antibiotics to the infection. Although I personally still prefer herbal antibiotics or ozone therapy.
Antibiotics were given back then and it just recently became infected within the year. I started to notice synonymous little problems occur along with the timing of the root canal abscess. It is merely observational evidence based on symptom timing. For example, my vision blurred a noticeable amount (nearsighted) within a relatively short amount of time around the abscess appearance.
How would you go about a root canal abscess?
Ozone through ear insufflation would still be my first choice. The ozone is a powerful antiseptic, promotes healing and it readily passes in to the various tissues.
If I had an abscess and did not have ozone I personally would go with high doses of pau d' arco and chaparral.
Whats your opinion on them? I am wondering because the biological/holistic dentistry side of the story is that root canals are dangerous because supposedly bacteria will always survive at the spot and significant bacterial toxins will leak its way to other parts of the body.
Whats your take on it?
edit: ok i searched on root canals and found a reply of yours. i guess your opinion hasnt changed on them.
Not really unless I see some solid evidence really showing they are hazardous. So far I have only seen a lot of claims and no solid evidence.