I was over at the "Liver Debate Forum" a little while ago. Jeeze, you would think by now that people would understand that the brain limits thinking to within one's belief system.
So, I'm gonna tell ya what the bright green stones are made of.
Olive oil and space dust.
What? You think I'm kidding?
What you fail to realize is that the liver if filled with space dust or if you prefer, grit made up of salts. Could be calcium salts, bile salts or who knows what (I sure in heck don't). But it's both in suspension and layered in all the crooks and crannys of the liver (akin to a crater on the moon). If your diet is such that you produce a glue like substance, over time it will produce a hardened stone or stones.
The olive oil most likely is congeled into droplets by the bile, something akin to silicone or perhaps, mint lime jelly. As these jelly droplets roll about in the liver, they pick-up the gritty salts and a chemical reaction causes a crust to form, though easily broken by your finger tips.
So? What about chaff? Merely a difference between pressure, like a garden hose. One, with the languid force of a lava lamp produces the larger bright green nodules. The other, a tight spray, is caused by high pressure and a small duct, or perhaps a partially blocked or opened duct?
Further, this explains why people stop producing nodules, no more space dust. A VERY clean liver.
So if you're keepin' score, it's the other stones you get out that's most likely causing your pain. But if your pain is gone and all you're getting out is bright greens, it means you're sweeping the floor. Not a bad thing to do.
So ya see Vern, flushing is a good thing. Because we don't need no stinkin' space dust in our body parts!
Your Humble Servant,
Gracefully Savage