Can anyone please help. I am getting the runaround from my new landlord about replacing the carpet in my sons room he is 3. The carpet in there reaks BAD of urine smells, musty and other stuff. The carpets were cleaned when I moved in but stupid me yes! I signed the lease before I seen my actual apartment. I moved in friday. Since then I have cleaned the carpet with my shampooer twice with resolve. Then waited a few days till it dryed and then used vinegar, peroxide. The carpet still reaks and tons of stains are coming up. I almost vomited in his room today.
I have called the Health department in my state and still waiting for a reply from them. Does anyone know the law on if the landlord would be forced to replace that carpet. I am sorry but this is so sad. I thought I picked a good place to live as others were on the not so good list. These building or at least mine is on the older side. Personally I have had headaches, nose dripping and its hard to tell since I was sick before I moved.
Any advice. I am broke I cant afford a lawyer. My son already has learning disabilities as it is and I dont want him breathing this stuff in.
The carpet needs replaced I have talked to several carpet cleaning companies and they said it probobly is soaked to the padding.
The landlord said the last tenant had birds! MY BUTT, my neighbor said she had a dog and my shampooer picked up wades of hair and each cleaning keeps pulling up more. When I used vingegar and peroxide in last shampoo it the dirty water smelled extremely moldy.
His room is the worst.
Any advice will the health department make them replace it if they find mold. I have
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and a host of problems myself and I dont need this right now. I was getting better but so much for all the cleaning cause I feel like POO again. ALso my son's eyelids look a little more on the swollen side since being here?
I'm lost any advice?