Has anyone actually solved their mold sensitivities?
If so, let me know, greenLLLL a tyah 00. c0 m.
Within the past few years, I have lived in one house after another with a leaking roof, or a previously leaking roof, with rotted through roofing lumbar. Often the rot smelled musty, but not always. My current residence does not smell at all, but there is a whole plywood sheet that is rotted through on the roof, and whenever it rains I get terrible headaches. I tried staying in my room and sealing off the door and vents and opening the windows, but all that did was make my headache worse and give me intense chills, after only about 2 hours exposure.
Now, I just sleep outside in a tent, but even the dew on the ground, or is it that the tent is 20 feet from the house, is causing me to wake up with swollen, sore eyes?
I keep thinking that today, the board will have dried out and my body will be fine, but after a few minutes of exposure, the eye/forehead-centered headaches come back.
The worse thing is, my mother does not believe me. She says I just have the flu. She thinks it's "crazy" that I'm sleeping in a tent. Gee guys, maybe it's all just in my silly little head. Even after explaining that when I lived in a new house without a leaking roof, I had none of these problems, she still insists on prefering to think there's something wrong with my head, than to think there might be something toxic about the obvious leak in the roof. To me, the worst part about the whole situation is that I want to be able to trust my mom, but how can anyone trust someone who comes to such a conclusion?
A week ago I walked in to a business to get an insurance quote, and the place wreaked of musty mold. I went upstairs and the smell got worse. I got the quote and it was 1/3 higher than the other places. I told the insurance dealer that this building has a mold problem. She was like "What did you say?" I repeated myself. She told me that she has been telling that to her boss and co-workers for a long time, but no one believed her. They all told her she was "crazy", and it was all in her head. So what if the last hurricane ripped off the roof and caused water-damage to the building? The roof was fixed. I told her I was going to complain about it. I did. I called the county inspector and told him that place gave me a headache and the roof leaked and it needed to be inspected because the public was being exposed to mold.
He indignantly repeated what I had just told him in a questioning tone, as if he was not hearing me correctly, and then reluctantly agreed to check it out. Then he called me back and said that he talked with the store manager and the manager showed him a receipt for the roof repairs. He did not smell mold, case closed.
I asked if he went in the attic and checked it out for himself. Nope... He just took the guys word on it. I demanded that building be comdemned! He gave me some other guy's # which I have yet to call.
I'm sick of the government treating the mold issue like it's a mental illness of the sufferer and not taking it seriously. If our government cared 1 iota about WE THE PEOPLE, it would let tennants out of any lease where the roof has leaked, or started to leak, or the water heater has busted, or pipes have broken. If roofs are maintained regularly, and constructed right, there is no cause for there to ever develop a leak. If water-heaters had their sacrificial anode's changed regularly, there would be no cause for them leaking. If pipes were properly insulated and the right materials used and serviced properly, likewise. There is no excuse for landlord's abuse of power. If a tennant is unable to live in a house due to landlord neglect, he should get a free and unquestioned out of the lease. If the government will not respect this obvious right, to protect the LAW ABIDING PUBLIC, THE GOOD PEOPLE, well, I'd like to see some sick-houses burned down or demolished. Of course, I would not take part, but someone with a good sense of justice and what's right aught to set things straight. Too many innocent people are suffering at the hands of arrogant "lords" who so easily tell their victims that they are mentally ill before taking responsibility for their faults and taking out the rotted wood, doing thorough mold remediation, and doing proper maintenance on all of their properties.
Mold damages immune systems for life! Just because some of the other tannants did not get sick does not mean that the one person who did is psychosomatic.
Furthermore, the mold issue is not what it used to be. Mold is being sprayed along with everything else. It's all a part of the program. I'm not insane, I'm observant, and I refuse to go along with the status quo. I hate the status quo. I hate pretending lies and I refuse to do it or go along with the crowd. We got mold sufferers and mold problems all over this country and no one is protecting us and it's only getting worse, so you tell me, what's the solution?
For me, I want to buy my own little home who's roof has never leaked. Sign my purchase agreement so that I can get my money back if I decide, for any reason, I do not want to own it after having lived there for a week, not ever have to move in to a new building again, not ever have to rent from some monster of a human being again, never have to sign a god-damned lease agreement again, disinfect all my belongings AGAIN, seal the place air tight, seal the roof real good, and pray that I never have to deal with mold again. Oh, BTW, that takes money. Anyone have a few 100 thousand to loan me? LOL Not likely. The majority of the world are virtual slaves to the system and are just going to have to suck it up, suffer, and die at the hands of the tyrants who call themselves "lords" and shut up and take it, cause the government wont protect you. You'd have a better chance from your local Crips gang to get justice from this "lord", than getting having to pay a lawyer and all court-fees and getting justice in the system.
According to our government's EPA, all you need to fix mold is a little bleach-water! LOL, if only. That solution only feeds the mold and makes it worse. I KNOW. My last landlords just sprayed some of that bleach-water on the mold and told me it was fixed. I got the worst headaches immediately afterwards, and they were free from liability, because according to the EPA it was taken care of. Forget the fact that the place continued wreak of such a strong musty odor that I could not get a room-mate to help pay for the lease.
Stuff like that makes want the song Stranglehold, by Ted Nugent, come to mind. :)
I know I'm not the only mold sufferer like this out there. If you guys can relate to this rant, send me an email and let me know. Also, if anyone has found a real cure to mold-sensitivity, do share.
What is it with mold sensitivity anyways? Is my immune system just so sick, and my body full of so much mercury and toxins that any extra burden is like the hair breaking the camel's back?
Is my immune system just so finely in tune with my body that it refuses to accept anything that it finds toxic and deadly in to my temple?
People say that certain essential oils can fix this problem. I say BS. I bought "Tomb Robber's" oil. I eat it. I've diffused it, and I put it directly on moldy wood and the stuff does not work for crap, neither does silver or anything else I've tried. The only solution I've found is to move out. And if your landlords give you a hard time, you might want to consider putting animal sacrifices up where they can see it, next time they break in to your apartment, and leaving a loaded shotgun and some other weapons under your pillow, poorly concealed, and put some pictures of them up on your wall :) Nah.. it would just give them more ammo for turning you in to the police or having you committed. Landlords so often have no ethics whatsoever and will make up any lie to make you pay to have your health, life, and savings sapped away, those vicious theives. Any just society would allow hidden camera footage, and microphone recorded media as evidence in a law suit and insist that all leases be stated in plain english, and not some ambiguous lawyer BS. I've lived in apartment after apartment, trailor after house, after room with seriously messed up landlords. They have left my front-door wide open on occasion. They will enter the dwelling when I'm not home, and sometiems steal the lease, or change it. If I cannot use a hidden camera to record them doing this crap and sue them in court, then what good is a courthouse? What the hell is this thing called a "justice" system anyways? Even the county inspector is a worthless ass.