Hi all,
I know it's been awhile since I've posted on here. My health has improved greatly since using humaworm. Tomorrow my husband and I will be beginning our 3rd round of humaworm.
Anyway, although my health has improved- there's always room for improvement. The past month I have felt the sensation of vomitting - I haven't actually vomitted (except when got my period last month- that wasn't too pleasant). Perhaps it is due to stress because I'm in my final year of studying at university and it's been quite full-on. Or, maybe it is because the 90day wait has almost finished and now we can take Humaworm again??? We have been using the In-between herbs.
I am now taken Maca Root and Lugol's Iodine for period pain, and will see how this goes.
I am still getting rid of lots of dead parasites: am taking lots of garlic and now juicing grapefruit.
What else can I do? I hate feeling sick with this on and off vomitting sensation. I've already taken 2 pregnancy tests, but both negative- so don't think it's pregnancy. I think it's mainly parasites.
Advice please???
- Smiley.