Hi Everyone,
I had posted in another forum about how it is that I am not digesting my vegetables all the way. Still, this is the case.
I have continued to use Schulze's formula - sorry, RG, not really promoting it here - jut part of my story. I was at first using three caps a day (IF#1) before I began cleansing. About one month ago, I reduced to two capsules a day. And am currently using only 1 capsule a day and still having 1+ (normally 2) bowels movements each day.
When I asked (on thte other forum) why I may not be digesting my veggies, I was provided with a possible answer and an enzyme was recommended. I was told that some folks have to use as many as 8 of the caps of this enzyme to get things moving...
Well, it only made my already soft stools turn to water, vegetables still not digested all of the way. Needless to say, I discontinued using the enzymes.
I am not bloated any longer. I am not FULL of gas any longer. And my stools are healthy.
I visited my doc recently to discuss my bowel habits. I told him the regimen I have been following, to include my two Humaworm cleanses, change of diet etc. All of this in lieu of going to see a gastroenterologist last year. He suggested to me that it sounded like I did what I needed to do, the natural way ... that I have my bowels going in good order ... have increased my transit time. He suggested this may be the reason why I am seeing undigested vegetable pieces coming out in my stool ... because they are not sitting in my bowel long enough to be decomposed to a greater degree ... and my stools are soft enough (though formed) to expose them.
Unless I find different, this answer is good enough for me.
I've changed my dietary habits greatly - am eating much more healthy than ever before.
All I know is that my bowels are moving (GOOD) and continuing to heal, and I am one happy lady for this! Thanks in great part to Humaworm that got all the critters out of the way and me on a good track to better health.