Ancient humans probably had a lifespan of less than 20-25 years. So many nutritional deficiencies may not have mattered as much. Assuming they only ate fruit, berries, nuts, seeds, etc.
There is no way to really know this, since many factors come into play. However, some food for thought, gorillas in the wild live to be about 35, while ones in captivity live to be 50, it isn't neccesarily that ones in captivity or humans in captivity get better quality of food than ones in the wild, but rather they are less overly stressed (somethings going to attack me while I'm sleeping kind of thing), less stressed about food needs (the humans are going to feed them in captivity) and generally get more sleep, when they get old and can't move as quickly in captivity they are still fed, etc, etc. So lifespan in ancient wild times compared to modern safer times doesn't correlate a more optimal diet, a correlation between modern lifespan of a frugivore dieted human and a omnivore dieted human, over many humans as a study would show this, but none such studies exist that I know of. Another thing important to thing to remember is that the term frugivore is not fruitarian, frugivores eat primarily fruits, including berries, nuts, seeds, all which are parts of fruits, but also tender green vegetables. If you really think ancient humans lived to be only 25 because of a diet of fruits and vegetables, and not other factors such as lack of food, stress, being killed, or diseases transferred by insects or some such, or lower sanitation, then you're out of your mind.
It was not much longer than a hundred years ago that most people only lived to around 50 or so.
And also weren't frugivorous in thier dietary habits.
There may be a lot of evidence that we are not meant to be meat eaters, but i've yet to see a cave painting that depicts pre-historics eating fruit rather than hunting.
I've yet to see many tree-dwelling animals, such as ancient humans, live in a cave in thier natural habitat, the trees of the tropics. I reason that as ancient humans became intelligent with tools, weapons, and fire, they were able to move away from their niche in the environment, the tropics, to colder, or warmer even, or fruitless, areas, and therefore live off cooked meat, and even later, grains, etc. This however, doesn't mean it is ideal or natural for our still ancient bodies.
Perhaps our longer than ideal digestive system length is a result of genetic mutations?
I'm sure it is since the theory of evolution doesn't suggest humans appeared oneday in wholesome form without evolving to what they are now, however for hundreds of thousands of years, maybe millions, they evolved to get that digestive system, even if it began with genetic mutations, and that genetic mutations don't spread throughout the entire population especially when spread out as humans were after tools and fire came into play, which is too recent for evolution to take place on that kind of scale anyway, so this is unsound.
I find the whole frutarian thing seductive, but I believe it is very misleading. In the short run, it is probably beneficial. As a race, we eat too many animal products. In the long run, I do not believe most people will be able to thrive off of this diet. And if you do, that is your life trying to figure out ways to get all the nutrients you need while you shrink down to anorexia and your hair and teeth fall out. But not really thriving though.
Again, I'm proposing the "frugivore" thing, not fruitarian. Frugivores eat fruits as well as green vegetables. Most people won't be able to thrive off this diet because of social and environmental factors not because the food is to blame, the frugivore diet itself is our ideal in our ideal environment, or one where we can maintain our temperature and use the relatively low calorie diet efficiently. And yes, many animals, such as mountain gorillas which can be bigger and stronger than us have built muscle, body tissue, tons of hair, and good teeth from frugivore diets. They are "thriving", just as humans would on their natural diet in thier natural temperature levels, sunlight levels, sleep levels, etc.
I read an interesting thought on the difference between a person with anorexia and a frutarian months back. An anorexic will not eat a piece of bread because it will make them fat. A fruitarian will not eat a piece of bread because it will cause mucous formation, the source of all disease.
I don't know hardly anything about "fruitarians" but frugivores don't eat bread because it wasn't made for them, and I'm talking about wild frugivores not concious ones dowsed in habitual bread-eating. For instance try and feed a wild lion some fruit or vegetable, who isn't completely starving. Or try and feed a mountain gorilla some meat, that isn't completely starving, or try and feed a wild lion some bread, that isn't completely starving, etc, now because these animals deny these foods you think they are afraid of mucus or getting fat? Or maybe it's just not meant for them, like it isn't meant for humans?
For the sake of argument, say we were designed to only eat fruit. Well, that was thousands of years ago and obviously we fell off of that path. So that means there has been thousands of years of eating animal products and thousands of years of evolution adapting to that type of nourishment. Our bodies need some amount of animal products.
Evolution to this degree does not come anywhere close to happening in 'thousands' of years, firemaking wasn't made practical by humans until about 7,000 BC, which is an extremely short amount of time for genetic mutation evolution, and as we can see it did not even happen, our digestive tracts still match in ratio with frugivores and herbivores more than carnivores and omnivores by a longshot, our stomach acid with food present same scenario, we have no fangs, beaks, talons, or real speed to catch animals. Unfortunately the memory and ability to use a spear to kill some game doesn't pass down to your child so that they won't need those fruits anymore, just a genetic mutation of maybe a higher acidic stomach or shorter digestive tract might make this possible, but this takes hundreds of thousands if not millions of years to spread to all humans much less change us to carnivores/omnivores.
At least mine does.
No this is your mind not your body you're speaking of.
I actually disagree with the diet. I don't care for strict diets of any type. We are actually designed to eat a variety of foods. We have canines and sharper bladed teeth up front, which work really well for flesh. And the flatter teeth for grinding down plant and animal material. Look at chimpanzees that have the same tooth structure. They also have the same type of digestive tract. What do they eat? They are omnivores.
Other concerns that arise are omega 3 fatty acids, EPA/DHA, which I'm not very familiar with, however ancient humans in the tropics must have gotten by somehow, do you have any ideas what their sources for these things might have been?
The body has a limited ability to generate EPA from ALA then DHA from EPA. Algaes and purslane are also sources.
Also, do you know of any reliable sources of food composition data that would show me the differences in fruit nutrient composition?
Not really. And the composition will vary greatly with a number of circumstances such as soil and weather, ripeness, water availability, etc.
while I respect your opinion above any other sole persons hv, please reconsider and deep think with that mind of yours in light of this logic (excerpts from browsing):
"Chimp hunting and flesh-eating is rare, ~1.4% of their diet, not practiced among all adults, as would be required by a true nutritional need, and is clearly cultural, since flesh is used to gain sexual favors --humorously-similar to human dating."
Lions, when hungry enough will eat vegetation or grass, but they are still carnivores, not omnivores, correct?
Another fallacy is that because we are capable of something it defines us or is in our best interest. For instance because we are capable of eating cooked meat, that makes us omnivores, because our teeth are capable of chewing cooked meat, that makes us omnivores? because we have scuba suits to swim underwater long periods of time, or submarines, that makes us fish? because we have planes and are capable of flying with gliders that makes us birds? humans are capable of tunneling through earth, so we are earthworms or moles? afterall we use tools to fly, go deep underwater, cook meat, tunnel.. kill prey.. it's all tools. When's the last time you chased down that wild animal with your biological equipment, ripped it apart with those natural teeth, no dentist now, once you lose a tooth you cant go get some synthetic ones here. I imagine tearing through fur, feathers, etc, if you could Even catch them, would be quite more 'stressful' of a diet than a 'strict' natural diet. Just because technology advanced that allows us to eat grains, meat, fly, go deep underwater, to outerspace, etc, doesn't make us an outerspace dwelling animal, a fish, a bird, carinvore, or omnivore. Also, frugivore, by definition, is mostly fruit with some greens, something in the diet that is only 1.4% prevalant in the race and only taken part by some of the race is not considered part of their diet but a cultural habit. However, despite all of this logic, let's look at our whole body, not just our teeth, since that is how the medical industry works, extracting a standardized substance and saying it will work, ignoring the subtlety and itricacies of nature in her infinite wisdom by ignoring the entirety of a thing.
"humans are totally incapable of killing, tearing asunder, and consuming raw their prey with their natural, biological equipment, as ALL natural omnivores do! In fact, I have challenged people who adamantly claim that they are "omnivores" for over 35 years to prove they are natural "omnivores" by simply killing and eating raw a small animal with their natural equipment, and none has ever done so to actually test their irrational belief. Not one!"
this further becomes apparent when one considers how Easy it is to eat a fruit or tender vegetable Raw in the Wild compared to doing the above to an animal in the same scenario using only your body.
" Humans are clearly not natural "omnivores". Some are cultural "omnivores", and indeed must rely on cultural artifacts to raise, kill, butcher, cook, disguise with seasonings, cut up, and finally consume their animal prey."
"Goodall points out in her section, Eating Meat, "Chimpanzees tear off chunks of meat with their teeth and hands, sometimes using their feet too when strength is required for dividing up the carcass. Almost always each morsel is chewed up together with a wadge of leaves, sometimes dead ones. These wadges, although they may be swallowed, are usually discarded along with any unwanted portion of the meat, such as pieces of bone or skin." Thus, it seems the chimps are not eating the meat, as is commonly assumed, but extracting the juice, and thus very little protein or fat is actually swallowed or available for nutritional purposes; far less that the amount implied from the feeding times in the above table!! Other individuals "also chew the leaf-meat wadges that have been discarded by their luckier companions.", clearly a monkey-see-monkey-do process of pure imitation and not related to any real nutritional needs. "Begging ... is the way most chimps try to get some meat for themselves. Their success depends on a variety of factors, such as the amount of meat involved, the amount the possessor has already consumed, and the relative age, rank, and relationship of the two individuals." If meat was a necessary or meaningful source for nutritional input, it would be consumed by all adults on a regular and consistent basis; it simply is not."
One would expect an omnivore to show anatomical features which equip it to eat both animal and plant foods. According to evolutionary theory, carnivore gut structure is more primitive than herbivorous adaptations. Thus, an omnivore might be expected to be a carnivore which shows some gastrointestinal tract adaptations to an herbivorous diet.
This is exactly the situation we find in the Bear, Raccoon and certain members of the Canine families. (This discussion will be limited to bears because they are, in general, representative of the anatomical omnivores.) Bears are classified as carnivores but are classic anatomical omnivores. Although they eat some animal foods, bears are primarily herbivorous with 70-80% of their diet comprised of plant foods. (The one exception is the Polar bear which lives in the frozen, vegetation poor arctic and feeds primarily on seal blubber.) Bears cannot digest fibrous vegetation well, and therefore, are highly selective feeders. Their diet is dominated by primarily succulent lent herbage, tubers and berries. Many scientists believe the reason bears hibernate is because their chief food (succulent vegetation) not available in the cold northern winters. (Interestingly, Polar bears hibernate during the summer months when seals are unavailable.)
In general, bears exhibit anatomical features consistent with a carnivorous diet. The jaw joint of bears is in the same plane as the molar teeth. The temporalis muscle is massive, and the angle of the mandible is small corresponding to the limited role the pterygoid and masseter muscles play in operating the jaw. The small intestine is short ( less than five times body length) like that of the pure carnivores, and the colon is simple, smooth and short. The most prominent adaptation to an herbivorous diet in bears (and other "anatomical" omnivores) is the modification of their dentition. Bears retain the peg-like incisors, large canines and shearing premolars of a carnivore; but the molars have become squared with rounded cusps for crushing and grinding. Bears have not, however, adopted the flattened, blunt nails seen in most herbivores and retain the elongated, pointed claws of a carnivore.
An animal which captures, kills and eats prey must have the physical equipment which makes predation practical and efficient. Since bears include significant amounts of meat in their diet, they must retain the anatomical features that permit them to capture and kill prey animals. Hence, bears have a jaw structure, musculature and dentition which enable them to develop and apply the forces necessary to kill and dismember prey even though the majority of their diet is comprised of plant foods. Although an herbivore-style jaw joint (above the plane of the teeth) is a far more efficient joint for crushing and grinding vegetation and would potentially allow bears to exploit a wider range of plant foods in their diet, it is a much weaker joint than the hinge-style carnivore joint. The herbivore-style jaw joint is relatively easily dislocated and would not hold up well under the stresses of subduing struggling prey and/or crushing bones (nor would it allow the wide gape carnivores need). In the wild, an animal with a dislocated jaw would either soon starve to death or be eaten by something else and would, therefore, be selected against. A given species cannot adopt the weaker but more mobile and efficient herbivore-style joint until it has committed to an essentially plant-food diet test it risk jaw dislocation, death and ultimately, extinction.
What About Me?
The human gastrointestinal tract features the anatomical modifications consistent with an herbivorous diet. Humans have muscular lips and a small opening into the oral cavity. Many of the so-called "muscles of expression" are actually the muscles used in chewing. The muscular and agile tongue essential for eating, has adapted to use in speech and other things. The mandibular joint is flattened by a cartilaginous plate and is located well above the plane of the teeth. The temporalis muscle is reduced. The characteristic "square jaw" of adult males reflects the expanded angular process of the mandible and the enlarged masseter/pterygoid muscle group. The human mandible can move forward to engage the incisors, and side-to-side to crush and grind.
Human teeth are also similar to those found in other herbivores with the exception of the canines (the canines of some of the apes are elongated and are thought to be used for display and/or defense). Our teeth are rather large and usually abut against one another. The incisors are flat and spade-like, useful for peeling, snipping and biting relatively soft materials. The canines are neither serrated nor conical, but are flattened, blunt and small and function Like incisors. The premolars and molars are squarish, flattened and nodular, and used for crushing, grinding and pulping noncoarse foods.
Human saliva contains the carbohydrate-digesting enzyme, salivary amylase. This enzyme is responsible for the majority of starch digestion. The esophagus is narrow and suited to small, soft balls of thoroughly chewed food. Eating quickly, attempting to swallow a large amount of food or swallowing fibrous and/or poorly chewed food (meat is the most frequent culprit) often results in choking in humans.
Man's stomach is single-chambered, but only moderately acidic. (Clinically, a person presenting with a gastric pH less than 4-5 when there is food in the stomach is cause for concern.) The stomach volume represents about 21-27% of the total volume of the human GI tract. The stomach serves as a mixing and storage chamber, mixing and liquefying ingested foodstuffs and regulating their entry into the small intestine. The human small intestine is long, averaging from 10 to 11 times the body length. (Our small intestine averages 22 to 30 feet in length. Human body size is measured from the top of the head to end of the spine and averages between two to three feet in length in normal-sized individuals.)
The human colon demonstrates the pouched structure peculiar to herbivores. The distensible large intestine is larger in cross-section than the small intestine, and is relatively long. Man's colon is responsible for water and electrolyte absorption and vitamin production and absorption. There is also extensive bacterial fermentation of fibrous plant materials, with the production and absorption of significant amounts of food energy (volatile short-chain fatty acids) depending upon the fiber content of the diet. The extent to which the fermentation and absorption of metabolites takes place in the human colon has only recently begun to be investigated.
In conclusion, we see that human beings have the gastrointestinal tract structure of a "committed" herbivore. Humankind does not show the mixed structural features one expects and finds in anatomical omnivores such as bears and raccoons. Thus, from comparing the gastrointestinal tract of humans to that of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores we must conclude that humankind's GI tract is designed for a purely plant-food diet.
Facial Muscles
CARNIVORE: Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
HERBIVORE: Well-developed
HUMAN: Well-developed
Jaw Type
CARNIVORE: Angle not expanded
HERBIVORE: Expanded angle
OMNIVORE: Angle not expanded
HUMAN: Expanded angle
Jaw Joint Location
CARNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
HERBIVORE: Above the plane of the molars
OMNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
HUMAN: Above the plane of the molars
Jaw Motion
CARNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side motion
HERBIVORE: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
OMNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side
HUMAN: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
Major Jaw Muscles
CARNIVORE: Temporalis
HERBIVORE: Masseter and pterygoids
OMNIVORE: Temporalis
HUMAN: Masseter and pterygoids
Mouth Opening vs. Head Size
Teeth: Incisors
CARNIVORE: Short and pointed
HERBIVORE: Broad, flattened and spade shaped
OMNIVORE: Short and pointed
HUMAN: Broad, flattened and spade shaped
Teeth: Canines
CARNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
HERBIVORE: Dull and short or long (for defense), or none
OMNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
HUMAN: Short and blunted
Teeth: Molars
CARNIVORE: Sharp, jagged and blade shaped
HERBIVORE: Flattened with cusps vs complex surface
OMNIVORE: Sharp blades and/or flattened
HUMAN: Flattened with nodular cusps
CARNIVORE: None; swallows food whole
HERBIVORE: Extensive chewing necessary
OMNIVORE: Swallows food whole and/or simple crushing
HUMAN: Extensive chewing necessary
CARNIVORE: No digestive enzymes
HERBIVORE: Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
OMNIVORE: No digestive enzymes
HUMAN: Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
Stomach Type
HERBIVORE: Simple or multiple chambers
HUMAN: Simple
Stomach Acidity
CARNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
HERBIVORE: pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
OMNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
HUMAN: pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
Stomach Capacity
CARNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
HERBIVORE: Less than 30% of total volume of digestive tract
OMNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
HUMAN: 21% to 27% of total volume of digestive tract
Length of Small Intestine
CARNIVORE: 3 to 6 times body length
HERBIVORE: 10 to more than 12 times body length
OMNIVORE: 4 to 6 times body length
HUMAN: 10 to 11 times body length
CARNIVORE: Simple, short and smooth
HERBIVORE: Long, complex; may be sacculated
OMNIVORE: Simple, short and smooth
HUMAN: Long, sacculated
CARNIVORE: Can detoxify vitamin A
HERBIVORE: Cannot detoxify vitamin A
OMNIVORE: Can detoxify vitamin A
HUMAN: Cannot detoxify vitamin A
CARNIVORE: Extremely concentrated urine
HERBIVORE: Moderately concentrated urine
OMNIVORE: Extremely concentrated urine
HUMAN: Moderately concentrated urine
CARNIVORE: Sharp claws
HERBIVORE: Flattened nails or blunt hooves
OMNIVORE: Sharp claws
HUMAN: Flattened nails
Actually this comparison is rather misleading since it fails to take in to account a very simple fact. Animals are adapted to the foods they eat. But, animals have different means of catching prey. A lion for example will have sharper canines than humans and stronger jaws. This is because unlike humans they are reliant on their mouth to capture prey. Humans have hands that help them to capture prey. So comparing the jaws of bears to humans is like comparing a bicycle to a car.
But the teeth of humans are relatively the same as omnivores, just a little less defined since we do not use out mouth as a primary means of capturing prey.
As for the digestive system they left out that we also produce pepsin to digest proteins such as in meat, not just amylase for starches. And if we were designed to eat plants only then why don't we have stronger jaws, flatter teeth and four stomachs like a cow? Again our teeth are designed to eat both plant and animal material. Our digestive system is designed to handle both plant and animal material. In fact the longer intestine lends more evidence to meats being a part of human diets. Animal proteins are rather difficult to digest, which is why carnivores have a longer intestine to allow time for breakdown and absorption. The fermentation of plant fibers on the other hand primarily occurs in the shorter large intestine, which is why most of the flora are found here.
By the way wolves are considered carnivores yet they will eat plants. My ex-business partner had a pet wolf that kept eating all my garden pants. In nature when they make a kill one of the first areas they go for is the intestines to get the plant material fermenting in the body so the material is already being broken down. So defining carnivore, herbivore and omnivore is not really as clear cut as we think.
One last note since your post also brought up stomach acid. Non-cellulose and hemicellulose plant material is broken down by enzymes, such as amylase, that are really independent of stomach acid. The cellulose and hemicellulose are partially broken down by bacterial fermentation in the large intestine. So if the majority of plant material is broken down by enzymes like amylase, which is not acid dependent then why do we produce so much stomach acid? Yet the enzyme pepsin needed to break down high protein, such as animal flesh, is acid dependent. Our digestive system is clearly designed to handle both animal flesh and plant material.
Actually this comparison is rather misleading since it fails to take in to account a very simple fact. Animals are adapted to the foods they eat. But, animals have different means of catching prey. A lion for example will have sharper canines than humans and stronger jaws. This is because unlike humans they are reliant on their mouth to capture prey. Humans have hands that help them to capture prey. So comparing the jaws of bears to humans is like comparing a bicycle to a car. Ok fine, let's compare the claws of bears to the claws of humans. Wait, we missed ONE SIMPLE FACT: humans have extremely flimsy looking hands for "capture" where are my freaking claws, hv? I want them. I need them, so I can hold onto that squirming prey, so I can dig into it and kill it instead of wasting my time suffocating it after running so hard on two legs, since I can't run well on FOUR LEGS LIKE A BEAR TO CATCH THE PREY. I also can't fly like a bird and oversee the ground to catch alot of worms. Jesus christ you'd think I was talking to someone besides hv. Also we missed ANOTHER SIMPLE FACT. Comparing the flat, flimsy nails of a human to the sharp claws of the PRIMARILY EATING VEGETATION bear (it only hunts 15% of it's diet or something) is like comparing a bizycle to a car. Quit ignoring the whole picture. Do you honestly believe humans are capable of hunting down prey on a consistent basis in the environment so as not to be weeded out in harsh times because our biological equipment, including hands, is completely unadapted to capturing prey? But the teeth of humans are relatively the same as omnivores, just a little less defined since we do not use out mouth as a primary means of capturing prey. As for the digestive system they left out that we also produce pepsin to digest proteins such as in meat, not just amylase for starches. And if we were designed to eat plants only then why don't we have stronger jaws, flatter teeth and four stomachs like a cow? Again our teeth are designed to eat both plant and animal material. Our digestive system is designed to handle both plant and animal material. In fact the longer intestine lends more evidence to meats being a part of human diets. Animal proteins are rather difficult to digest, which is why carnivores have a longer intestine to allow time for breakdown and absorption. The fermentation of plant fibers on the other hand primarily occurs in the shorter large intestine, which is why most of the flora are found here. Really, so the pepsin couldn't be for proteins in fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc? Hmm, I don't know hv, let's go look at our closest relatives, the great apes, lets count how many stomachs they have each, let's count how much grass they eat compared to fruits and vegetables, let's count how much they eat of meat (less than 1.5%, and not all of them, just SOME, and primarily males). Let's match their intestine ratio to our own, and we find the most symmetrical animal to ourselves. Keep in mind bonobos and chimps are our closest relatives not the gorilla or orangutang. "Carnivore, Omnivore, Frugivore
Now, having taken a comprehensive look at the anatomy and physiology of the human stomach, let’s continue our comparison of intestinal tracts.
Carnivore And Omnivores
We can group these two sets of animals together, since the differences between the stomachs of the two are minimal. For both groups, the majority of digestion occurs in the stomach (which, as you can see from the lion's stomach on the left, is rounder and more sack-shaped than the human stomach and has a much higher concentration of acid for digesting not only animal tissue, but also bone – as anyone who has seen the movie Snatch knows). In fact, the stomachs of carnivores and omnivores secrete powerful digestive enzymes and digestive juices with about 10 times the levels of hydrochloric acid found in a human stomach. To be precise, the pH in carnivores and omnivores with food in their stomachs is less than or equal to about 1.0. For humans, on the other hand, pH ranges from 2.0-4.5 with food in the stomach. This is a huge difference.
Another difference is that food usually remains for days at a time in a carnivore’s stomach while it is digested (to a large extent) by enzymes present in the raw meat itself (a process called autolytic digestion). It is only after autolytic digestion that the highly concentrated HCL makes its appearance to break down the bone and gristle consumed with the meal. In addition, carnivores are adapted to process huge amounts of food at a time (up to 25 percent of their body weight or more) then eat nothing for days at a time. This doesn’t sound very much like the human digestive process (except on all-you-can-eat nights at the Troff N Brew Restaurant)
And, as might be expected, the human stomach is remarkably similar to the chimpanzee’s stomach, both in terms of shape and gastric juice content. Using that as a guide, we once again are looking at a diet that consists largely of fruits and nuts, with a maximum of about 3% meat. Again, as explained two newsletters ago, the human digestive system is remarkably adaptable – but there are consequences when it is forced to adapt."
By the way wolves are considered carnivores yet they will eat plants. My ex-business partner had a pet wolf that kept eating all my garden pants. In nature when they make a kill one of the first areas they go for is the intestines to get the plant material fermenting in the body so the material is already being broken down. So defining carnivore, herbivore and omnivore is not really as clear cut as we think. One last note since your post also brought up stomach acid. Non-cellulose and hemicellulose plant material is broken down by enzymes, such as amylase, that are really independent of stomach acid. The cellulose and hemicellulose are partially broken down by bacterial fermentation in the large intestine. So if the majority of plant material is broken down by enzymes like amylase, which is not acid dependent then why do we produce so much stomach acid? Yet the enzyme pepsin needed to break down high protein, such as animal flesh, is acid dependent. Our digestive system is clearly designed to handle both animal flesh and plant material. Could it not be that we have stomach acid levels most symmetrical to the chimps/bonobos because we Need pepsin for Protein, Not Large amounts of protein and Not Animal protein? Otherwise, the question can be answered the same way as - why do chimps, most of which don't eat meat, have the same stomach acid levels as us if they don't eat meat but ~1.4% of their diet? Do you really think they evolved pepsin and stomach acid to break down that occasional monkey-kill, that only some of them eat? Or maybe it's for the protein in fruits and vegetables, that they Primarily live off of, and have energy and adequate muscles from. Oh the simplicity.
while I respect your opinion above any other sole persons hv, please reconsider and deep think with that mind of yours in light of this logic (excerpts from browsing):
"Chimp hunting and flesh-eating is rare, ~1.4% of their diet, not practiced among all adults, as would be required by a true nutritional need, and is clearly cultural, since flesh is used to gain sexual favors --humorously-similar to human dating."
Chimps have been videotaped using twigs to collect ants for a food source. Ants are not plants. They have also been shown to hunt animals such as species of monkeys strictly for food. So yes, they are true omnivores.
"humans are totally incapable of killing, tearing asunder, and consuming raw their prey with their natural, biological equipment, as ALL natural omnivores do!
Many birds can be considered omnivores. The will eat plant material such as seeds as well as animals such as insects and worms. Humans also eat plant material and animals they are able to easily catch including various insects, snakes, lizards, worms, sloths, turtles, etc. Because some people choose not to hunt for animal sources of food does not mean this is still not a natural food source.
In fact, I have challenged people who adamantly claim that they are "omnivores" for over 35 years to prove they are natural "omnivores" by simply killing and eating raw a small animal with their natural equipment, and none has ever done so to actually test their irrational belief. Not one!"
This is hardly proof as to whether a particular animal is an omnivore. Using your same reasoning above most people buy their produce in the market rather than "hunting" the plants in the wild. Since they don't go out in to the wild and "hunt" this food source they are obviously not vegetarians either using the same rational. So what are they if they are no carnivores, omnivores or herbivores?
Chimps have been videotaped using twigs to collect ants for a food source. Ants are not plants. They have also been shown to hunt animals such as species of monkeys strictly for food. So yes, they are true omnivores. Many birds can be considered omnivores. The will eat plant material such as seeds as well as animals such as insects and worms. Humans also eat plant material and animals they are able to easily catch including various insects, snakes, lizards, worms, sloths, turtles, etc. Because some people choose not to hunt for animal sources of food does not mean this is still not a natural food source. Technically, yes, but even if you make the gross perversion of definitions of insect and worm eating to mean that birds can be omnivores, and omnivores can handle animals, and animals in the animal kingdom are insects, worms, and rabbits, bears, etc you've gone too far. You're playing with words, obviously frugivores, herbivores, etc can handle tiny insects just as just about anything could, this does not make them 'true' omnivores in laymans terms of eating small animals or large animals. Again it's a perversion to win an argument and not rational thinking. Yes, birds can fly around and find insects quickly from above and efficiently hunt them, humans are better at picking fruits, even though they can eat insects too, just as they can also eat meat, or eat arsenic, or poisonous plants, they are capable of a lot of things and SOME chimps do things culutrally at levels below 1.5% of thier diet, this doesn't make it their diet. I doubt prehistoric man without his advanced tools 'easily' caught snakes, and probably stayed away from them largely due to the poisonous ones in the tropics. You still can't 'easily' catch wild snakes as they are relatively hidden, can't be hunted without using tools like traps, and few humans today would lunge forward for snakemeat with their bare hands. Lizards also would've been unreliable, could've carried diseases in the ancient past, among other problems such as being poisonous, it just wasn't what we adapted to and are meant for, same with the others, opportunistic cultural eating or starvation hunting perhaps, but not our natural diet, which is the only thing in question here. Any carnivore Could eat vegetation, and DO in times of starvation, for instance lions have been known to eat grass, this doesn't make them omnivores, even though technically they are capable of it, and do it from time to time, this kind of definition-slapping and perversing is unefficient and childish.
This is hardly proof as to whether a particular animal is an omnivore. Using your same reasoning above most people buy their produce in the market rather than "hunting" the plants in the wild. Since they don't go out in to the wild and "hunt" this food source they are obviously not vegetarians either using the same rational. So what are they if they are no carnivores, omnivores or herbivores? If you were to issue the same challenge to me, to go out and pick wild produce by simply reaching up to a tree or climbing it or what-have-you, with my natural biological equipment, I could do it, and have done it before actually, many times. This is the difference. And any other healthy human could too. (Because it's our natural way). As to the last question, we are frugivores.
I think you should hire some grandma to knit you something more adequate. I'm not joking! a few years ago in Copenhagen they sold incredibly cute panties in natural wool knitted by hand for babies. My baby had them too.
So is today your day one?
The idea is that it has to fit snug against the skin to move sweat to the outer layers and keep you dry, or something. When covered in an entire baselayer, skin-fitting leggings, top, even headlayers, they effectively become a thermal wool layer, which can help in cold areas as well as relatively 'warm' areas such as below 80 degrees. When I work in them indoors they just move the sweat to the outside 'down there' helping the bodies natural mechanism as it would if I were nude which is what nature intended. Unfortunately my jeans on the outside in this case stop the sweat from completely escaping, however the boxers are naturally anti-microbial and since the sweat isn't sitting against my skin there isn't that bad odor, also going to be helped by eating better in the long run though. This is day two I've only cheated with chocolate, it's a stimulant so probably not helping much but I ran out of it so the real day one starts now I guess haha.
For those interested, veteran frugivore dieters tell me once on a frugivore diet you need more sleep, sleep you needed anyway but your body was able to ignore due to the all the stimulants in a typical diet, however overtime the benefit of this is having more energy during the day, of course, to do tasks more effectively than a coffee addict sloth for example. You'll also need adequate exposure to sunlight, sleep in a dark room, free of disturbances such as alarm lights, etc, as this diet tends to make you more sensitive to your lifestyle, however this is not to be mistaken for weakness.
Solutions I'm working on right now are full spectrum lights, for when I can't get enough sunlight, no see um window screens (I hate bugs) for my windows so I can get fresh air, I've been told that outside air, even if contaminated with country-side pollutants somewhat, is better than indoor air, which can be stale, or polluted with inhome toxins from walls or fragrance products etc etc (I live by a highway - but not right next to it, and there's about 85 trees between us and tons of plants).
The most challenging solution needed however is having enough fruit on hand that is ripe and ready to eat, being of adequate nutrient value, etc. I have a feeling I'm going to need to relocate to an agricultural area that meets these needs, as there is not even a trader joes here or similiar, just wal-mart.
Bonobos also make love, similiar to the kama sutra stuff humans do, they even have a lot of female to female sexual stuff called GG rubbing, basically vagina to vagina I think. Interestingly bonobo males prefer getting oral from women, bonobo women prefer getting intercourse from men, much like in humans. They are also only 1.8% off from our dna where the chimp is 1.9% off. Bonobo women are also the more dominant ones, the men are primarily used for reproduction and protection. When I first came across this I felt entirely dissapointed in the worlds scientists, how did they fail to make this connection that a 10 year old could.
Bonobos are also known for group and gay sex. Basically they are the equivalent of the 60s "Love Children" on steroids
can animals be stressed?
Like these cats?
Are there lot's of beautiful island girls, carrying baskets of fruit in your dream?
Sorry, what dream? There's beautiful girls in my dreams, but I'm not an obsese american and mix beautiful food with my beautiful women fantasies. Lol.
Seriously. Look at the people/cultures currently with the longest lifespan for guidance on what is best to eat and it is not fruit with lettuce! Japan, Iceland, Sardinia. Good balance of natural non-processed foods.
Seriously. Look at all the other factors in these people/cultures, the pure water from glaciers of the hunza people, or the pure mountain air, etc. Going to entire different civilizations doesn't show lifespan-to-diet comparisons, it shows civilization lifespan to civilization lifespan, there is absolutely no reason to thnik that japan dwellers, iceland dwellers, and sardinia dwellers wouldnt live even longer on their natural frugivore diet. (Seriously).