Complete and utter baloney. Do you EVER check anything out before you post it?
And of course you believe it. Read the link below.
A typical Right Wing response. Kill the messenger and not the message.
The Snopes update was yesterday, April 6, 2010. As they pointed out - the section that is quoted in the microchip lie isn't even in the bill that passed.
Find an error in Snopes article and then report back to us.
Just in case you forgot the link:
"Goto page 1014 of that Act and see for yourself. The wording leaves room for interpretation. But it sounds to me like microchipping."
H. R. 3590 (not 3200 which was implied in the original post on this thread) is the bill that has been signed into law and it does not have that language in it.
From that language in 4872 it looks as if they simply wish to gather medical data, it doesn't appear mandatory, and any patient can refuse to have the implant. There is nothing in H. R. 4872 that indicates any kind of a requirement. In fact the microchips have been implanted since 2007 under Florida Republican governor Christ (not Obama) for Alzheimer's patients. IF Florida had implanted the chips on all their medical patients then Rush Limbaugh would have been caught in his Oxyconin/doctor shopping escapade, a crime that he has never been charged with. It's for that type of reason and also to prevent medical fraud as well as medical mistakes that I'd like to see them in everybody.
The micro chipping paranoia has been around for decades and it is still paranoia.
Have you been following the thread????? It is NOT in the Health Care bill.
"I have been following and I maintain that they will do this at some point whether it is in this current bill or not. Also bills are often changed at the last minute."
The bill has been signed into law and the microchip ain't in it.
If you've been following the thread then how did you come up with this one?
"Actually it is occurring. The company that is involved in this is verichip."
The opening post said that it was already here. Your response to that post was as if it were in fact a fait accompli - and it isn't.
You ever hear of living in the present moment? That's exactly where your paranoia is at and always will be until you turn around and look at it.
back to the infowars link here:
Embedded in that article is another link to the new bill that is awaiting
signature, The Reconciliation Act, here:
Goto page 1014 of that Act and see for yourself. The wording leaves room for
interpretation. But it sounds to me like microchipping."
Ok, here's what's going on. The second link above directs you to a version of H. R. 4872 that was introduced to the House of Representatives, it is NOT the bill that passed. There are five versions of H. R. 4872.
Your link goes to version 1. The final bill that passes is version 5. which has been signed by Obama. If you open version 5. at
You will not find any reference to any medical device - except that it imposes a tax on the manufacture of those devices - including hearing aids and glasses (which are medical devices). There is no reference to a chip, none, zero, zilch, so there aren't any provisions whatsoever for medical chip implants - except in Republican Florida.
Your fear of micro chipping is just that - fear.
Actually, I think that it's pretty clear that chips are not in the Health Care bill. The fact that there are five different versions of H.R. 4872 does add some confusion but if you go to the Library of Congress which tracks all bills and many other congressional matters, only version 5 was passed by congress and signed by Obama. Yet I'm sure there will be many sites quoting version 1 as fact just to scare everyone.
I'm much more concerned about the invasion of privacy that has already been implemented, legally or illegally, by the FBI (J. Edgar Hoover was a bum who spied on anyone he wanted to), the CIA - which isn't supposed to spy domestically but obviously does, the NSA (which spies on us everyday), the Pentagon (which has also spied on us) - all of this in present time and doing it today! We have no control over this activity and we should. It is my opinion that an implant chip can always be refused. I know that even if you are in a hospital and you are dying, you can refuse any service, medication, or injection that they try to foist on you. I know, I refused a catheter that an RN was trying to force on me, and there was nothing she could do about it. Now if they make the condition that you have to have a chip implanted in order to get medical service, that's different but I doubt they could ever enforce it.
Public cameras with face recognition software like they have in England is next. Almost all technical progress is a two edged sword. It can be used for beneficial objectives or destructive ones.