Labrat The Tenacious
I first noticed my face was a little red on either side of my nose after I crawled out of the shower in 1997. The red wind-burned look and feel slowly expanded over the rest of my face and down to the tops of my shoulders and chest. My face looked slightly sunburned or windburned year 'round if I got hot. The area also turned bright red after a shower. the rest of the time I had that near death gray pallor.
I started
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in December of 2007. Since then the redness has slowly receded and it isn't as bright red after a shower. At my current rate it should be back to normal in another year or so. The lovely gray pallor is now gone.
I have never found the red fibers while they were under my skin but, have found a few after debris has been removed from skin lesions. I have also found clear, white, blue and black fibers.
I have never found anything that looks like your "blue dot". However, just above the blue dot is something that looks like a worm. I have found many things that look like that from skin lesions.