Don't feel hopeless!
Now is the time to become informed:) Hypothyroid is very serious, often goes hand in hand with PCOS and needs to be treated. Untreated hypothyroid can lead to a variety of other ills including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, HAIR LOSS is a symptom of hypo...
Is armour the *best* way to treat hypo? According to all that I've read recently...yes. It's far superior to synthetic thyroid meds. A website that you NEED to become acquainted with is
Have you listened to the Dr. Mark Starr audio yet? You really need to do that too, it's here:
Also, get Dr. Mark Starr's book, "Hypothyroidism, Type 2- The Epidemic".
Here are pics of people with hypothyroid, before and after being treated with armour:
BTW, in Dr. Starr's book he mentions 3 reasons for hair loss in women, those reasons are:
~3 reasons for hair loss in women.
A) low thyroid
B) overgrowth of candida. Candida overgrowth because candida protects body from mercury. He recommend the Kaufman antifungal diet:
C) Low iron levels. Have ferritin levels checked- should be at least 60.
Now, IMO you could muck about with herbs and diet and try this and try that, but armour has been proven, over time, to be very effective in treating hypothyroid. You should absolutely discover WHY you are hypothyroid, that can be due to a variety of factors including
Iodine deficiency, fluoride and bromide toxicity, heavy metals, chemicals, plastics, hormonal disruptors, and of course poor diet(refined foods, excess carbs). And ADDRESS those factors! Don't just depend on the armour to make it all right.
The theory behind dietary and herbal approaches is to support thyroid function without having to "depend" on a glandular like armour. If your thyroid is already so overburdened though, I think you NEED armour.
Much of Doctor Starr's book is based on the work of Dr. Broda Barnes. Dr. Barnes had success after success after success treating patients with armour. Here's a link to the website of the Dr. Broda Barnes foundation:
Educate yourself dearie:) A prescription for armour is not a cause to feel hopeless, it's a cause to feel hopeFUL.