Milk is not inherently bad for most people... it goes way back to when man had this bright idea to feed dairy animals the mash from grain distillation... and then silage and field waste, etc. causing milk quality to plummet - they called it *swill* a very poor quality milk from poorly fed animals... on a large scale about 200 years ago this all started.
it led to the pasteurization of dairy to hide the *sins* of the dairy industry - poorly fed, unhealthy animals, living in VERY poor, filthy living conditions.
Butter, like milk, depends upon the quality of the dairy... the way the animal is raised, treated, and the food\pasture the animal is raised on.
Further, pasteurization and homogenization destroy most of dary's beneficial properties and actually makes it harmful in some cases... pasteurization breaking apart complex proteins and enzymes... making the minerals generally insoluble, and homogenization making the milk fats indigestible.
turning what could be a real alkalizing food into an acidic one...
Cultured butter is a true medicine... if you can actually find cultured butter... my mom grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania... sour cultured butter is medicine.
Of course I am talking raw dairy here... from old world cows, goats or sheep... not the black and whites most people associate milk with. My mom likes Jesey cows and Nubian goats... Yes, even the breed of animal makes a difference... and what that breed of animal is fed and how it is raised and cared for also makes a difference.
Raw cultured dairy is a true wonder food... man has adulterated dairy to the point it is regularly vilified by those who have no knowledge of the history behind its production - quantity over quality - and man's hand in making it *bad*.
Most commercial products are not even what I would call dairy any more... have you ever read a label on a buttermilk container? Very few, if any, are cultured whole milk, or even lowfat milk, and salt... as it is meant to be.
All of that said... we are all different... and some people may find high quality raw dairy extremely beneficial to them as I have... others, not so much.
I drink about a pint to a
quart of home made raw goat kefir a day... that, a few pieces of fruit, and a handful of nuts or two is all I may eat most times throughout the day.