Man you are hell bent on not leaving well enough alone. You've spent a lifetime putting crap in your system and you're not going to get it all out in a few weeks. All the cleanses work great if you allow each one to do it's thing as designed ON THEIR OWN.
You won't be amping up SQUAT! All you'll be doing is possibly pluging yourself up and interfering with the way the MC is designed to work. On an empty system the Bentonite can become like a plaster and really gum up the works. Part of giving your system a rest is not having solids and when you add the Psyllium that will crank up the peristaltic action in your digestive tract to push the stuff out. Because of the highly absortive nature of both the Bentonite and the Psyllium they'll be soaking up a good bit of the lemonade and minimizing it's cleansing properties and if you are not extremely judicious and drink tons of water you can also dehydrate yourself and or plug yourself up. A few years back we had some poster that didn't listen to reason and wound up in the hospital with a major bowel blockage from the PB shakes. Read the link below from the FAQs
Just wanted to be clear that what I wrote above was related to doing the BPs while fasting. They work fine when eating regular, though they take a lot of planning and dedication to do them correctly. They also need to be done for 3 to 4 weeks to be effective. I have tried them and 1st I don't have the dedication and patience required and second I hated the bloated feeling they gave me. Other folks swear by them.
I and many others opt for the oxygen based colon cleansers like OxyPowder which only take a week and do a bang up job melting the plaque stuck to your colon without the bloating. Doing colon cleansing after a fast is great cause the cleanse softens things up. Many folks do a colon cleanse as a matter of routine after a fast as a "Mop Up"
If you are still hell bent on the PBs post fast the link below gives you all the info you need to do them correctly.
There are only 2 cardinal rules to a sucessful MC
Rule #1 - NO WHINING
Rule #2 - See rule #1
IF you are doing the MC by the book "real" hunger ceases after the 3 rd day. After that it's habit and the desire to chew.
You can drive yourself nutz trying to second guess every nuance of the cleanse. Organic lemons or not, emotional experiences are quite common when one is cleansing and same as physical toxins are released so are some emotions.
It'll be what it'll be. Even for the same person on different MCs. Each will be unique. In over 10+ 40 days MCs I've done no 2 have been alike. Different things, different emotions, at different times.