Hello, funnily enough I have just performed my first vaginal insufflation (on my better half) for a case of thrush the settings were as follows:
Duration= 5 minutes
Flow rate= 250cc/0.25L min
Ozone concentration= 6mcg/ml (lowest setting possible)
From the latter part of the 5 minute treatment I was extremely suprised at the immediate effect it had on her including flatulence, feelings of 'trapped wind/abdominal bloating', and a burning sensation in her stomach up to her throat(not due to any inhalation) showing just how fast ozone is absorbed into the surrounding tissues.
I took these effects as an extremely positive sign showing that the therapy is undoubtedly working so I do not think you should be discouraged with your similar effects.
I would recommemd two things:
1)Start with the lowest possible settings then build up the time gradually and just go by how you feel.
2)Make sure that the air is flowing when inside you and not being stopped by being pressed against the vaginal walls. My ozone gen has a air flow gauge so I can see if the air is flowing which is useful.