I don't have a cure but I do have a little success.
In the past when I got a cold would last about 10 days or more...from first appearing to when the scab came off.
Often it was during the scab time I felt the most self-conscious and embarrassed because my scabs tend to get dark and are very noticeable.
I tried something I read in Linda Rector Pages "Healthy Healing". One of the remedies in that book was to apply black tea to the sore because the tannins in the tea help dry it up.
I started doing this on probably the 3rd day. I made a little bit of strong tea...put it on the bathroom sink and used a cotton ball to apply it every time I went to the bathroom. I probably applied it 4 times a day. I used a new cotton ball each time.
On day five the scab was looking normal and I assumed I had several days of healing (and embarrassment) ahead of me...but I put on the tea anyways. It seemed to be making things move along faster.
Imagine my surprise when I put it on gently...the scab loosened to the point of coming off! This was on day 5.
I didn't force just came off. The bottom skin was not totally healed but almost and the scab came off!
Sadly, I had said "no" to a special Spring Equinox party in malibu but right when the party started...I was OK to go!
So my cold sore lasted from Tuesday to Saturday late afternoon/evening. Only five days. Much much better than 10-14.
Oh, I also applied Novitra on the first two days and then after that vitamin e oil and tea alternatively.
Hope this helps.