Sorry it took me so long, but here is the update:
About 8 month ago my German Shepherd (in avatar) developed a nasty tumor on her paw, it grew to golfball size and, according to the vet, euthanasia was the option, no cure!
She has lumps big and small all over her body (under her skin and contained)but this one actually opened and bled.
I painted with 2%
Lugols and a little CS in her water ( I didn't have a CS maker and couldn't afford much of the store bought one), didn't really help, she also had to wear a cone constantly, so she couldn't attack or lick it.
Month went by without marked improvement and I seriously made plans to take her to the vet...
The day before the dreaded day, she managed to get to her paw and took the whole thing off, I came home to a bloodbath along with bits of flesh lying around, horrific. But strangely enough, she came bouncing up to me, no more lethargic, she didn't seem to be in pain either! I cancelled the appointment, the next day a friend lend me her CS maker and I started giving her about a liter a day, along with pouring
Lugols on her wound, very deep and wide, down to the bone. I also changed her food (no wheat/soy/corn etc)and she is doing great, wound is healed completely and I will take her to the vet soon to show her off (and to shame him). Thanks to all you wonderful people here on CZ, couldn't have done it without all your help!!!
Sabine and Nikki