Hi Elsworth,
I'm glad to hear that you've ordered the book. It will explain most of what you need to know better than I can.
NCIT has two different treatment plans depending on what your health status is. If you call 888.943.2563, Stacy can send you the two PDFs that explain everything. The process may be different depending on wether or not you have already been diagnosed with any type of cancer or not.
They recommend that you go to NC to get the thermal imaging scan done first as well as a number of different systems analysis including urine and blood tests which I had done a couple months ago. You will know immediately by looking at the thermal scans, if there are areas of concern. If the scans show "hot spots" in your face and you have ever had a root canal, tooth extraction, crowns or caps or an accident that caused trauma to the face, Fred will give you a list of dentists who are trained in
cavitation surgery . There are not many surgeons who are trained as this is not an ADA approved procedure though they have recognized that the problem does exist.
You then schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area for a consultation. You will want to be sure to bring your thermal scans with you. The dentist may perform a Cavitat scan to confirm which teeth have cavitations. If cavitations are confirmed, you can schedule an appointment for the actual surgery which can be performed while you are under conscious sedation and intraveous vitamin C. Once you get your mouth fixed, you will need to get scanned again to determine wether or not your body is healing well on it's own or if you will need to address any areas of concern in your body that may have been effected by the neurotoxins released from the cavitation sites.
For those who have already been diagnosed with some form of cancer and if the tumor has reached a certain size and/or metastasized, it may be illegal to treat it in the US using a cyro-ablation procedure. That is where their location in Ecuador comes in. Dr. Dowling is treating people there now and saving people's lives that were said to be beyond hope by the current medical establishment.