I moved to a new area over a year ago. Met a lady 10 years younger then myself. She is from my hometown 3 states away. Becuase of this connection I started helping her with her children. Her marriage was and is falling to pieces. She would cry at the drop of a hat, then be as happy as a lark. This would turn into barking at the kids for no reason and being angry with a different neighbor every night.
I was on curezone one night looking at the Mirena forum because it was at the top of the list of forums. I was shocked that I was reading about women who sounded like they were experiencing the same thing I could see in her. Complaints of acne. She is a licensed skin specialist. She had just had her thyroid checked because she had swallowing problems. Her back was hurting. I went back the next day and told her about the Mirena side effects online and followed up several more times with a reminder. She said she would check it out.
Few weeks later, she told me I needed to paint her kitchen to get her husband off her back. I had just primed and painted it a lime green 8 months earlier per her request. I agreed to paint it a second time just to keep peace with her. While I was working on it she turned to me and told me I was too nice and that I did not need to be so happy and nice. That I was going overboard being nice. That she was glad I was her friend. My husband came by and said he was taking our daughter out for a kids date. I kissed him good-bye and when he left she told me that I could stop sucking up to him because he had left. Then she told me she could be a b!tch too! I charmed her by saying, I did not think so and that I thought she was too nice to be that way. Trying to finish the job so I could get the heck away from her for the rest of the day. Mind you it was a rainy, depressing day.
Three days later I call to ask when I could give her 5 year old daughter her birthday gift. She told me my 10 year old was not invited to the birthday party but that we could come to their house for a cake celebration but would never give me a time. I called her again and she told me that she ignored my call and told her husband it was a cometic lady calling her. The day bofore the cake celebration she would still give me no time and stated she would call me the next day after she baked the cake. She never called. I called her twice and went by her home but no one was there. That evening we dropped off the gift on the door as we left for church as she had company.
The next day she called screaming, ranting, and raving at me telling me that she did not give her daughter the gift and that I broke a 5 year old little girls heart. That leaving the gift on the door was rude and that I had snuck away. That I could have called as that is a common kindness. This was the straw that broke the camels back. I sent her an email stating that I did not want a relationship with her because she was to irrational.
She wrote back and told me that friends dispute their differences face to face. I suppose that is why she hid behind a phone call. Anyhow, she has gone to 3 neighbors and told them that I am crazy. One neighbor called and told me that she had three neighbors warn her about this neighbors ups and downs. Everyone thinks she is bipolar but I really do not think that is the case. I think it could be the Mirena IUD. In the mean time I sure wish I would have gotten the warning. Would have been nice.