When did it even change? How long has it been since bananas were a deliciously satisfying food?
Now, they may look yellow on the outside, but they taste green. Even the organic bananas are tasteless.
Were bananas always picked green, shipped to the US, gassed so they would appear edible and have yellow skin, and presented at the grocer?
Even the browner bananas often just taste like very old green bananas.
Was it 13 years ago? 15? when bananas could be consistently bought from the store, and the majority of them tasted very satisfying and delicious?
I do not know if it's the fertilizer that lacks trace-nutrients and forces over-production, or the pesticides, or the virtual-slave-like conditions of the banana-republic "workers", or the gassing, or the picking them green or what other factor is at play, but this really sucks. It's nice that they are like $0.40/pound, but, really, who wants to eat a lot of cheap food that has no taste and gives no feeling of satiation? Not me, and the $1.00/pound bananas taste just as awful. Leave it to the FDA to screw up the organic standard.
We need information.
We need alternatives.
I'd like other opinions on this.
And lets not forget the most awful tasting apples out there, the "organic" apples that taste like vomit, just about all of them.