There are as many variations of EFT & EFT tapping sequence, as there are variations of the Incurables Program...but there's only one original.
Here are links to the manual:
Downloaded from 5 years ago:
Downloaded from 15 minutes ago:
(the basic tapping sequence is the same in both links)
Here's a brief synopsis (copied from the manual)
EFT on a Page
1. The Setup...Repeat 3 times this affirmation:
"Even though I have this ________ ,
I deeply and completely accept myself."
while continuously rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping the Karate Chop point.
2. The Sequence...Tap about 7 times on each of the following energy points while
repeating the Reminder Phrase at each point.
EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA, BN, Th, IF, MF, BF, KC
3. The 9 Gamut Procedure...Continuously tap on the Gamut point while performing
each of these 9 actions:
(1) Eyes closed (2) Eyes open (3) Eyes hard down right (4) Eyes hard down
left (5) Roll eyes in circle (6) Roll eyes in other direction (7) Hum 2 seconds
of a song (8) Count to 5 (9) Hum 2 seconds of a song.
4. The Sequence (again)...Tap about 7 times on each of the following energy points
while repeating the Reminder Phrase at each point.
EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA, BN, Th, IF, MF, BF, KC
Note: In subsequent rounds The Setup affirmation and the Reminder Phrase are
adjusted to reflect the fact that you are addressing the remaining problem.
Memorize The Basic Recipe. Aim it at any
emotional or physical problem by customizing
it with an appropriate Setup affirmation and
Reminder Phrase. Be specific where possible and
aim EFT at the specific emotional events in one’s
life that may underlie the problem. Where
necessary, be persistent until all aspects of the
problem have vanished. Try it on everything!!
Here's a video showing the correct tapping sequence and the gamut procedure:
The sequence above is the baseline original EFT tapping sequence: set up - tap/reminder phrases - gamut - set up - tap/reminder phrases.
Can you do it without the gamut, or without going through two tapping sequences? Yes, and some people have gotten relief by tapping 'out of sequence' without even using a set-up phrase. BUT the most effective way to tap is the way the 'tapping designer' designed it - and that's the way it should be learned initially, and utilized as often as possible.
Thinks & thoughts -
The purpose of EFT is to remove energy blockages (a negative) that prevent postitive healing in all aspects of our being (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual). The set-up phrase is used to identify 'the negative'...the more precise & detailed you can be, the more effective the 'tapping arrows' will be and hitting their target and removing/destroying the blockage.
Many times this 'phrase & phase' of proper & detailed identification of the blockage/s that needs to be removed is met with MAJOR resistance by those people (sheeple) that have fallen prey to a more recent (but already DEEPLY ensconced) deception in the "positive thinking/positive affirmation" mindsets.
(OMG UNY! Are you some kind of a total nut-job - EVERYbody knows that 'positive thinking' and 'positive affirmations' are "where it's at", and we can't heal any part of ourselves without them!!) :::Uny nodding head understandingly::: And we once all thought the same thing about allopathic medicine & pharmaceuticals. It will be of interest to those that are familiar with the actions & history of the PTB, to know that Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking) was a 33rd degree Mason....and that many aspects of 'positive thinking' are known to be used for 'societal subterfuge' (basically, it can cause us NOT to take action or do things that are needed for positive growth, restoration and healing of ourselves & our world).
There is absolutely nothing wrong (and very much right) about thinking/talking positively, and not dwelling on the negative. But there is something DREADFULLY wrong with the belief system that tells us that EVERYTHING is 'energy & affirmation', and that this aspect of our being is more signicant than the physical. Modern medicine has already made the life/health destroying mistake of excluding our minds, spirits & emotions, and focuing only on the physical aspect of our being. Let's not overcorrect their error and swing our pendulum to the opposite side and make the same health-destroying mistake.
Whether we believe we are spirit-beings that: 1) are created by 'God' and placed in an earthly body made especially for our spirit, or 2) we choose & agreed to come onto earth in a physical form for this carnation...the fact remains that our spirits are saturated throughout every part of our physical bodies. Personally? I believe that our spirits, coupled with the energy of our mind, emotions & our physical being can overcome ANY challenge or state of dis-ease -and that it's even possible to conquer death. But this is something that requires extreme self-discipline, balance, health, and 'adequate flow' throughout EVERY aspect of our being...and then it (like anything else) would require diligent practice & effort.
We can look at our earthly garden and 'confess' that it's not going to have any weeds, and if/when they grow we can tell them to die...but virtually always it takes massive amount of physical effort to prepare, nourish & cleanse the soil AND the use of a hoe to have a weed free garden. If we hold a red-hot branding iron to our skin, we can make positive affirmations that we do not feel the pain, that it's not going to do any damage and claim the smell of our burning skin is an sensory illusion, but when we take the physical branding iron away from our physical body, there's going to be a physical burn. Are there some people that have advanced so completely that they can control weeds and prevent a hot iron from burning them? Yes, there likely are...but I've never met one and I've certainly never met one on Curezone or on this forum - and this forum is where we are. And fwiw, those (that I have read of) that have some level of this advanced ability & control of energy have always been EXTREMELY self-disciplined and incredibly balanced throughout their triunity...with just as much attention given to the physical aspect of their being --via fasting, cleansing & a toxin free vegan diet, etc -- as the spiritual and mental aspects. Onward!
That all being said, there are MANY people that claim & believe that the set-up phrase (and reminder phrases) of EFT are "negative" (and some feel that these 'evil negative affirmations' must be counteracted (and the 'negative energy reversed') with a positive affirmation or statement. They are wrong on two counts.
1) There is nothing negative or health destroying about IDENTIFYING a blockage or something that's wrong in our bodies and in our world.
2) To affirm that something is true when it's obviosly untrue can cause an IMMENSE blockage and disruption of our mind, emotions & energy. (one must be very careful with "positive affirmations" and totally understand this is a tool to reprogram our subconscious)
When we use EFT, we are using a FANTASTIC tool that allows us to solidly identify what we already know is wrong with our body, mind, or emotions (the blockage)...and "tap it away" at the source! AND, as we tap away at the source (or what we THINK is the source, from our conscious mind filters), many times we 'tap our way into' an even deeper source/cause that our conscious mind can't remember (or that we've hidden safely away to protect ourselves). Guess what? EFT cannot work as it's designed to work UNLESS we completely and comprehensively IDENTIFY our blockages.
The art & action of healing is like any other art/action. FIRST, master the basics through diligence and practice. Then once the basic fundamentals are TOTALLY mastered, be free to improvise and develop your own style. But remember, whether by plan or by accident, "perfection" always includes the fundamental basics of the art...and it's much easier (and more likely) to achieve perfection by planning than by accident.
Healthiest of blessings - TAP ON!