I have guilt, not just because I came back to live again, while so many others didn't...but because my health is too good. I had a major cerebral bleed, and such things normally have lasting dire consequences for one's health. Many others had what I did, but precious few are now enjoying the best times of their lives as I seem to be. I am no better than the others, so why do I seem to be doing so much better?
Recently I spoke with a good friend, who was a soldier and he had to see his friends and comrades die, or be horribly wounded, and I could see some of the same feelings in him as I see in myself. Talking about our experiences, even though they are so very different seemed to help, and I guess that is good for all of us here. True? The more we can talk to others, who have been through some of the same
very strange experiences, the better.
My late uncle was another who survived the trauma of having fought and having been wounded in World War II.
The nightmares and the memories of what he had seen were things he could not talk about with those who could not relate. Before it was too late he talked with a friend who could understand and accept his feelings, and he lived his last days free of the nightmares. That sounds good to you and I, right?
If we can improve how we think about what we went through, and help others do the same, then that is really a blessing for us all.