I suffered from really bad fatigue a few years back. I met a doctor who recommended pfieffer tests and discovered I had pyroluria so he put me on a special zinc combination. I started taking it and after a month I couldn't bare working I quit my job. I then suffered severe
Depression and couldn't face getting a job. When I did get a job a month later I gave up after a month. A week later I stopped taking the zinc combination and my energy started improving. After further research and having a hair mineral analysis I discovered that the zinc was making me worse. The reason is it depleted my copper. It took me 3 months to pick up my energy after following the guidelines of a hair mineral analysis. It took me a year to rebalance my minerals. I am much better now, but wiser to how useful but how dangerous minerals in the wrong balance can be.
I can not stress enough, if you are taking zinc make sure you have 1mg of copper for every 15mg of zinc.
I would also recommend you dont take copper on its own unless you check your mineral levels. It's very dangerous to take mineral like zinc or copper or iron, even in small doses without knowing your own biology. Everyone is different. Good luck.