well so far my attempt to get rid of the sores/fever blisters or whatever they are on my face has not been successful..all in all I have one on the back of my neck(for 2 weeks now) and 4 on my one the bottom of jaw is swollen too..this is really bugging me too cant you tell
I have taken 4 rounds of ech 2droppersfull/cay1/garlic3cloves today and been putting the ech on the sores themselves along with
Antibiotic cream
I am wondering if I have a bacterial infection/staph or something on my skin that is slowly spreading ! UGH!
its just localized on my face and one on the back of my neck ..
I really dont know what else to do about this and need some advice here...I really dont wanna go to the doctor and get those dreaded
Antibiotics with lord knows what kind of side effects
I got to thinking that this could be the reason I am running this fever ... right now its 99.3 and holding steady at the moment.. earlier today it was 98.8 which really isnt anything but was 100.2 the other day so it is lower than that now. fevers always go up at night though ..
my daughter came in and looked at the one on my neck and said it looked like a sore and thats the way the others look with nothing but clear stuff coming out ..
I also put on a mud face mask that has
Bentonite in it to help draw some of it out but it didnt really help ...
so now what do I do ???