I recall reading somewhere that 1 cup of coffee intake will destroy 40% of beneficial bacteria in a person's gut...anyone else ever read something like this or have similar knowledge? Thanx.
So if one cup destroys 40% of the beneficial intestinal bacteria, one cup a day for, say, two weeks, will kill over 500% of beneficial intestinal bacteria? Or does two - three cups destroy all of a person's bacteria ... come to think of it, no coffee drinker on the planet should have any beneficial bacteria remaining, as they usually consume more than 2.5 cups during their life.
I will just say that I recently had a coffee enema (to stimulate liver function). While performing this enema I also drank a cup of coffee - freshly roasted and ground. I played the Bach Brandenburg concerto no. 5.
The experience doesn't seem to have had any negative effects at all.