There is really no significant link between the two. The only minor link is that B6 deficiencies can increase the risk of kidney stones and B6 is required for proper B6 assimilation of more B6 due to its role in stomach acid formation. But there are other factors associated such as the different types of kidney stones.
The pH of the urine can also play a role. If the pH becomes too alkaline minerals in the urine can precipitate out leading to the formation of stones.
By the way olive oil plays no role in kidney stone formation or removal.
Lemon juice is said to be good for dissolving kidney stones. At least this would work for uric acid stones due to the malic acid in lemons. Not so sure about calcium oxalate stones and some other forms of kidney stones though.
And there are better sources of malic acid such as green apples, apple cider vinegar and tart cherries.
Olive oil is not going to have any effect on the kidney stones.