Yes, a lot of this is going to have to do with a lack of stomach acid. The Prilosec just makes things worse. Here is some reading for you to start with that will give you a lot o direction:
I am not disagreeing with you. But I don't understand how a lack of stomach acid would cause post nasal drip, change in voice, heavy "lactic acidy" feeling in my muscles.
Why would the prilosec otc have worked so well if it was a lack of acid? Doesnt the prilosec otc slow down the acid?
Things such as post nasal drip and change in voice can occur with acid reflux because the TRACES of acid that escape with the gas burn and irritate the tissues including those in the throat and sinus. The same reason acid reflux can mimic the pain of a heart attack, which it is frequently mistaken for. The Prilosec turns of stomach acid production so that there are no traces of acid to come up with the escaping gas. This does not mean it is helping the base problem. It is merely masking symptoms. It is like taking an antihistamine for a cold. The antihistamine will mask symptoms by preventing your nose from running, but it does not cure the cold or get rid of the virus.
The muscle pain is not from stomach acid. It could be inflammation from undigested proteins or elevated homocysteine. It can also be that you are not getting enough oxygen from hypoventilation or some other problem such as COPD. It is impossible to say with more certainty based on the limited information.
Sorry to ask this. What would you SPECIFICALLY recommend in my instance. I have taken digestive enzymes before with no luck.
I am not a fan of digestive enzymes. You are much better off letting the body generate its own enzymes.
Tried Apple Cider Vinegar. Doesn't seem to help. I've take numerous ph balance tests I sit at right about 6.5 everytime.
Saliva and urinary pH readings do not reflect stomach pH, blood pH, or pH anywhere else in the body.
What should I stay away from? Specifics go a long way with me, because I have been round and a round with quackery, and guessing. It costs a lot of money.
All the information was in my earlier post. To increase stomach acid, enzymes and bile I recommend bitters (1/2 dropper full with meals), zinc (50mg daily with a large meal), and trimethylglycine abbreviated TMG (500-1000mg 3 times daily). Rice bran or oat bran will provide B vitamins needed for stomach acid formation and will help feed the flora to help control the Candida. The zinc will also help inhibit Candida.
Building up your flora with probiotic sources such as kefir and cultured vegetables as well as fiber sources such as the brans.
Avoid antacids, acid blockers (proton pump inhibitors), calcium carbonate (coral, oyster shell, dolomite), magnesium oxide/hydroxide, alkaline waters and sodium bicarbonate.
Hiatial Hernia.......I could have this. Kinda sounds like something in addition with candida, or fungal infections.
If there is a hiatal hernia you may feel a catching sensation at the base of your sternum when you swallow food or pills.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I don't get the chance to spend a lot of time researching so, a little more guidance goes a long way for me. Rather than finding SOME stuff. Can't tell you how many times a bunch of Quacks have suggested things to me and I rolled with it. Makes one much more skeptical.
So is Oat bran ok even if one is sensitive to wheat/gluten?
This is pretty controversial since oats do not contain gluten, but do contain a related substance called avenin. Avenin can cause similar problems to gluten in sensitive individuals. But the avenin is part of the oat protein, so it is not likely going to be in the bran.
What would you put ON a yeast "jock itch" infection?
You can blend 60-80 drops of thyme essential oil in an ounce of coconut oil and apply the oil several times a day. Make sure to sterilize any clothing that will contact the area before putting them back on.
Are Green supplements like Green Vibrance, or Super Greens by Garden of life ok to supplement more greens into the diet?
Yes, green formulas can be used to supplement nutrition.
How would eye floaters be connected to all this?
The floaters are not going to be directly related. I have posted on floaters in the past: