....." some blonde women are stupid, just not all of them."
This is especially true if they have been at the computer - evidenced by leaving white-out on the screen !
( sorry I could not resist )
BUT, per topic I have had similar experience with
"Born again spirit-filled Christians" - those zealous enough to pray over their children's broken bones rather than seek medical attention, some who are quite self-righteous in their approach to SAVE us heathens.
One in particular who dissauded me from A.A. when I was in the throes of alcoholism - throwing my BIG BOOK of Alcoholics Anonymous out my front door to the lawn, claiming by Jesus stripes I was healed and did not need a 12-step program, insisting A.A. was a cult (never mind that some MILLIONS of A.A. members around the globe have conquered alcohol and been restored to sanity, sobriety, and usefulness!), and A.A. may indeed BE culty, BUT IT WORKS - this same EXTREME CHRISTIAN brought much chaos and fear into my already chaotic life at that time, and then some years later called to apologize, having been restored to sanity herself. Her ADVICE/BELIEFS/PARADIGM could have killed me!!!!!
She is just one example of the games people play under Christian delusions of grandeur. No, not all - MOST of them IN MY EXPERIENCE, not my OPINION, have shown some degree of this bizarre behavior - reinforced by scripture no less and in the name of GOD......
Edit: I Don't know who out there is a blonde, but I have been one myself!