I've pretty much got all of my issues pegged since starting my journey with my naturopath in Nov. 2009 (After 1 1/2 years of idiots- but they weren't NMDs)Over the months I've been adding on different supplements and just 1 week ago I started a few more that should directly help- I'm wondering how long it might take to feel a difference-
**I have a thyroid nodule, hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue.** (Please note, I've been dealing with asthma and allergies since birth---had great grandmother w/ goiter---and 1st cousin with a partial thyroid removal due to large nodule---mother w/ multiple sclerosis.)
-Wellbutrin for 1 yr.
-Fish oil, multivitamin, probiotic, digestion for 4 months.
-adrenal glandular 2 months.
-Naturethroid 1/2 grain.
-Tyrosine spray, adrecor, kavinace 1 wk ago.
Exercise and the health fitness industry is my job and passion and yet I can't perform! Exercise leaves me feeling debilatated and void of all energy. I was once able to do 10 times what I do now.
Most important is that my personality is missing! As well as all of the color that life brings! I'm just a youngster in the career world and I want back all of the positive qualities that I once had 2 years ago. It's too hard to move forward with anchors on your feet-- and I'm tired of floating in the same place!
Being young and pretty quick to diagnose my issues, will I be able to bounce back faster? Any thoughts?