Cure and Prevention of all Cancers pg 579
1 tsp anise seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
2 cups water
1/2 tsp whole cloves
4 capsules nutmeg
2 cups barley water sweetener
Make barley water recipe first (pg 563 or see below) and refrigerate. Add seeds to water and simmer 10 minutes (longer times cause lost activity). Add cloves and remove from heat. When cool, add cold barley water, nutmeg and sweetener. Refrigerate. Strain 1 cup to drink and put back solids. Next day, repeat. On 3rd and 4th day, eat the solids, with extra sweetener if desired. This tea reaches leftover Fasciolopsis in unreachable places like eye muscles, jawbone, spine, so expect minor pain here and protect yourself from detox-illness. If no detox is felt, take the 4 cups closer together until you can feel the effects.
-Whole barley, frozen or ozonated to sterilize
Test for bromine first; do not eat brominated grains. It cannot be removed. It sequesters polonium in you.
Add 4 times as much water as barley and let stand at least 4 hours. Then refrigerate. Decant and drink. Cooking changes some of it to plain manganese metal that feeds Shigella. Don't cook it if not necessary. It can be made into chewy, spicy, uncooked breakfast cereal. Vinegar kills Shigella, but can't be used in colon or prostate cancer. Variation: Any kind of safe rice can be made into a medicinal "rice water" that provides calories and B vitamins.