Your totally right about that. i must say i just made a appt to the neurologist for this week. what kind of mri did they order for you? i am very nervous. and i am on your side. i too blame mirena for these symptoms. doctors dont listen at all. its so funny that we all have mirena in common and yet mirena is not the cause. i cant wait to see if the neurologist is gonna say mirena is not the cause of my pains too. then i will keep going to neurologists until i find the right one. keep me posted i will keep you posted.
also check this out
You should get your VIT A,B,D and E checked as well as your liver panel (liver enzymes) if you have not already.
i just had my primary dr. do silicone level testing in my blood work. it came out very very high in my blood. i urge everyone to get tested only because silicone takes years to get out of the body sometimes permanent. i am post mirena two weeks and i did test four days ago and it came out to be .39
(the normal amount in a person should be .05).(anything over .10 is abnormal)
so drs lied to us when they said mirena does not enter our blood stream. and that is why our symptoms take time to go away. but there not as bad as when we had the mirena in. Silicone is deadly at any level. please get tested even if you had mirena out for long time. silicone does not clear over months or years.
that right there is proof it is extremly harmful
also google side effects to silicone and they are very similar to what we had.
thank you
They say mirena released only little bit of hormones into the blood stream how much is too little !! How can very little be true, if it is in a silicone based gel being released into the uterous,and some only enters the blood stream, and i have silicone levels in my blood stream as high as a woman with silicone breast implants and me being post mirena one month! very little hormone released is BS! how can it be building up in my blood in a year and a half , and i have no breast implants. so yes it does enter the blood stream allot not a little !!
even if they wont take this product of the market i hope everyone know how the side effects are life threatening ! and severe side effects not just side effects. How people have to take pain medications and muscle relaxers just to get through the day or night. MRI s and all tests show nothing is wrong how can this horrible thing still be on the market.! spread the word! this is a evil thing.
I had Mirena for year and half. a year after having it i started getting CHRONIC MUSCLE PAINS, SEVERE CHRONIC UPPER BACK PAIN, mainly left side, SHOULDER PAIN, mainly only left shoulder, ANXIETY, INSOMNIA, CHEST PAIN, BREAST PAINS, nAUSEA IN CAR RIDES, DAILY NAUSEA FOR 5 MONTHS, i thought i was gonna die from the pain all over my upper body!! Been to chiropractor, cardiologist, Emergency rooms twice, Primary drs.. all my tests were fine !!! the ob said its not related to Mirena. i even quit my job., that didnt help me get better.. I know it is Mirena that caused all that because as soon as i took Mirena IUD out i was getting better after 24 hours.. getting better day by day, i use to have to take advil everytime i left the house. muscle relaxers and 4 advils at once just to sleep....Now that the stupid MIRENA is out i can sleep breath and move with out taking medicine !!! WHAt a BIG RELEIF !!! I THOUGHT FOR SURE THAT ITS GONNA KILL ME...i never would recomend it to anyone!!! I suffered for 9 months until i removed it. i also heard it takes a TIME for the body to go back to normal so i am taking it easy til then. but i for sure feel better now that its out. what a reliefffff !!