I think you can eat them! That would solve the problem, eh?
Here's one site I found:
"Water kefir grains are translucent white and break easily under light pressure. They more closely resemble irregular crystals. To the tongue, water kefir grains have a very mild taste and remind me of eating hominy. Milk kefir is quite chewy and tough. Both kinds of grains are safe to eat or put into smoothies."
I started with milk kefir because I was familiar with store bought 'kefir' from Trader Joes. Kefir from grains has a ton more probiotics and it's very easy to make.
The problem is it's difficult drinking all the milk kefir you'll have making it. I gave most of my grains away and still can't keep up with it.
Water kefir is like soda, so it's much easier to incorporate into daily diet. It's a little more involved as it supposedly likes dried fruit, lemon and water with minerals (although, there's a video on youtube with healthy water kefir with only spring water and dark sugar).
A new batch of milk kefir is ready every day, which can be overwhelming, and water kefir takes a few days or more.
I'm hoping water kefir is truly as beneficial as milk kefir. Hv?
It's mild, just mildly sweet carbonated water, and much more pleasant than kombucha or milk kefir. The grains are more more fun to eat too.
I'm hoping water kefir is truly as beneficial as milk kefir. Hv?
Yes, you are still getting the beneficial acids and beneficial bacteria.