I have had some intense dreams in my past. Not often, but terrifying and very memorable.
I always thought they were just dreams for the longest time, until I started reading about abduction cases out of interest years later and noticed most of the experiences were manifested through very scary dreams.
The first one was the most bizzare. I had an out of body experience in a dream of me looking down on myself lying in bed scared out of my wits and completely unable to move. I also recall a white glow encapsulating my body. This dream was extremely brief, only lasted a few seconds then I didnt dream the rest of the night.
Some years later at the same house, I had the most intense dream of three greys walking into my bedroom. I am laying on my bed looking out at them, again unable to move and very terrified. One of the greys gets down on his knees and takes a very close into my face as I am staring straight at him. This is where the dream stops.
One other point I recall is me looking out my bedroom window from my bed and seeing 3 greys walking down the steps from my backyard to my back door. They were walking in step with each other and clothed. I always am suspicious of this one event just being my over active imagination. Except when I had this image, I had never heard of the greys walking in 3's or instep or clothed for that matter.
All three events took place at the same house over a period of several years and I believe my house, not me, is a target for these beings. I feel its just a good location overall for them. Open backyard where the other houses have virtually no open backyard (covered in dense trees). There is no house or street beyond my backyard for miles. Its rather secluded compared to the other houses in my neighboorhood.