No form of fastings was ever designed or meant as a weight loss diet PERIOD!!. All forms of fasting are >>CLEANSES<< . The body will address what it needs to do the most first. Often it will NOT be weight loss. Being overweight is not an issue in and of itself it is a HEALTH issue. ALL forms of fasting slow down the metabolism. If you don't inclulde a lifestyle change that includes balanced nutrition and regular exercise post fast to bring the metabolism back you will gain all the weight back and possibly more than you lost on the fast.
The primary focus of any successful weight loss program is and will always be quality, balanced nutrition and regular exercise. Rapid weight loss is neither healthy nor permanent. It takes the system 6 to 8 weeks to normalize the metabolism after any fast and prolonged fasting without resting and including exercise and sound nutritional program for the rebuilding process may cause permanent damage to the metabolism and cause all kinds of possible problems from nutritional deficiency. In addition it will make it extremely difficult to continue to loose weight in the future.