Today I finished my fifth flush!!! I was pretty bummed out all day because I didnt seem to be having much of a reaction to the flush, but at about 8 o'clock tonight a mother of a stone came out. Must have been an
inch wide!!!(Who knew a 20 yr old could have so much crud) Makes you wonder how our little livers can store these things!! Just goes to show ya, that when you feel hopeless, you must go on. I still feel like theres a lot of stones still to come and I'm gonna keep on flushing. After consulting with Andreas (Ask Andreas) I figured that I needed to try a
colonic right before the flush instead of just after. So in between last nights ES drinks I got a colonic, and I believe it made a world of a difference. This was definetly the best flush I have had yet. I also used a massager and heating pad on my liver and took milk thistle beforehand for a few days.
Next flush I think I am ready to try the apple juice thing...we shall see what happens then. Good Luck Ya'll!!!