Professional Advocacy Group Backs Up Cancer Claims With Cash! Guaranteeing Effectiveness of Treatments! "A bold and unprecedented move?" By J. St.Amand CW Media Inc.
There is an organization out there that might pay for you to receive free complimentary medicine. “American Cancer Advocates,” is an "integrated-medicine" consulting group that promotes the notion that alkaline therapies and oxygen therapies have merit against cancer, and "they" claim that "they" are prepared to do something about it with or without support of traditional Doctors. The founder and director, Bret Peirce, is blood relative of Charles Saunder Peirce, "The Father of Pragmatism," and was born, still residing in Arizona. “After nine years of research we are convinced these therapies will work. We are willing to pay people to go get them and use them!” A licensed nurse, Peirce, feels people need a reason to try 'complimentary' protocols other than as a last resort. He states that traditional medicine offers its own merits too but is too judgmental against supportive therapies. Peirce thinks they still borrow upon the alternative strategies anyway and use similar anti- cancer substances today! He even states that the very latest medical treatments in America are actually borrowing from alternative medicine. “Is there anybody out there who thinks ALK-v6 is not an alkaline therapy,” he asks? "...and what about stimulating chlorophyll with U.V. light (photodynamic therapy), ...what about Novartis offering a compound that is almost identicle to Mangosteen's active ingredient, (xanthone?)" On a telephone interview he was very matter of fact. “You know? ... Fighting a disease by exploiting its respiratory preferences is a simple, logical strategy; either the oncologist works with us or he doesn't.” Bret Peirce, and “American Cancer Advocates” will make their position official, January 29th, with a significant internet campaign the effectively will target a network of approximately 2,000 cancer patients. Industry insiders feel, Peirce, demonstrated his resolve of making a sudden impact by joining with a significant partner and co-consultant. Introducing, the husband of stage IV lung cancer survivor! Peirce loves the move.
"Tell me,...who else makes a better consultant than he who has fought the impossible fight and won?" The newest partner, Chase Miller, a contractor out of Denver believes alternatives saved his wife's life. "She was coughing up blood five months ago, now she is going back to work, you can't tell me modern medicine did this! No, way, was her complimentary medicine that did this,... it was Bret, Me, and God! It was us who augmented chemotherapy." Even this families oncologist admits that complete response to chemo at this late stage is basically unheard of. Since there are always stipulations when receiving free anything, the information people will need is attached below. Conclusions? It seems logical that there is ‘nothing to lose and everything to gain’ in this instance, ( at least on the surface.) This offer has merits, but only because there are two very obvious points we must all consider in this particular issue: 1) What is more dangerous than cancer? 2) How can traditional medicine have a 95% failure rate against malignancies and then pretend to have all of the answers? ** **Based upon 20 year survival, metastatic disease.
Here is the link to see if you meet certain criteria: FREE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES Copywrites Apply Media Services Inc. 2010 |
Now, this sounds like a good offer - you only pay if it works. But when I look at the rules, it raises some questions I would like answered:
All participants must have stage II or III cancer.
Special Circumstances for stage IV cancer.
Other terms apply!
Call or E - mail us for additional details!
Email Contact
How about we get full disclosure of what other terms apply? How much is owed at the end of thirty days if the markers stabilize or reduce? What is the estimated costs of all the required x-rays, scans, panels, etc.?
I also have a bit of a problem with the qualifier of a 30 day stabilization or reduction. Many mainstream and alternative cancer treatments are able to achieve a short term stabilization or reduction in tumors and markers, but that is not at all the same as achieving a long term cure. Mainstream medicine calls such initial reductions "reponses" and uses the term to market chemo drugs and radiation treatments, without disclosing that in the large majority of instances the initial apparently positive response is followed by the cancer beginning to grow again and the ultimate failure of the mainstrea treatments.
I think such information and acknowledgement of the fact that 30 day stabilization or reduction does not constitute a cure would be essential to let the above offer remain posted in a support forum - especially since all we know of the person who posted the article is that they joined CZ and promptly made two posts about the offer. In addition, the "article" is copyrighted by Media Services Inc, which is primarily a marketing company, and the only Jarrett St.Armand (the name of the author) I can find is the owner of an electronics firm catering to the construction industry. See: (and note the same lack of a space between "St." and "Armand")
I mean no disrespect towards Bret Pierce, who has contributed here before, and I surely would favor the approach he and his site recommend over mainstream treatments, but I would nevertheless like to see some answers to determine whether this is a bonafide offer or a novel marketing approach.