A friend sent me this article today. It talks about cancer, mold and pH. Hard to know what or who to believe any more.
I have never heard of Dr. Bilgelsen.
I would like your input on this, HV!!
Cancer is a Mold
from Dr Harvey Bilgelsen [http://www.drbigelsen.com/drbigelsen/About_Us.html]
The basic philosophy of cancer by the so-called "experts" is that it starts by one cell that for some reason or another decides to go wild and "mutate" into a malignant cancer cell. From there, the cell rapidly divides and grows into a mass which is fragile and this mass erodes into a blood vessel and pieces break off and get into the bloodstream and then are distributed randomly to different spots in the body where they grow and that is called metastasis. According to that theory, everything is random and I don't believe in the randomness of nature.
To me, it is amazing, that "modern scientific" is always looking for some new answer through genes, etc. and they have dropped good scientific evidence and the basics of life that have been proven previously. In the 1930s, Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for proving that once the oxygenation gets below 60% in a cell, it then becomes malignant. Albert Svent-Giorgi also did similar work on the oxygenation of the cell and won a Nobel Prize for it. Cancer develops when the oxygenation of the blood is low and the venous blood pH is high. We were taught in medical school that the normal pH of the blood is 7.4 and yet, if you measure cancer patient’s pH’s most are in the 7.5 or higher range. In fact, if you ever get the pH of the blood below 7.35 or definitely 7.32, Cancer will die all over the body. I once had a patient with a PSA of 982 and we treated him with hormonal therapy and within a week his PSA was 0.1. We couldn't figure what happened but when we checked the pH of his blood, it was at 7.29. To this day, I do not understand how his pH got that low, but his cancer died all over the body almost instantaneously. We did use constant intravenous drips containing vitamin C, HCl, and sodium bicarbonate in varying amounts to control the pH as the day went on.
Also, I have dealt with multiple cases of prostate cancer and it will metastasize to the bones in multiple spots without metastases to any other area in most cases. I have asked many medical doctors why does prostate cancer only metastasize to the bones, and no one could come up with a good answer. Also, when they gave women hormonal therapy for menopause and then they gave them calcium for osteoporosis, they skyrocketed the incidence of breast cancer because breast cancer also mainly metastasizes to the bones. The reason those cancers go to the bones is because the major food source for their specific mold is calcium. Calcium is one of the major food sources that cancer relies on as is nitrogen, potassium and iron.
If cancer is a mold, then cutting it out would not solve the problem. If I have a mold on some cream cheese and I slice a piece of cream cheese off with that mold, the next day there will be 12 new spots. The whole cream cheese is molding!! The same thing happens to the body when the pH’s are off. When the body is stressed, the sympathetic nervous system takes over and the cells become more acid and they dump alkaline waste, which elevates the pH of the venous blood setting up the cancer terrain. Also, I believe that the mold itself produces a poison, which deteriorates the body. Because of that poison that the mold produces, it is important to stop the progress of the growth of that mold as soon as possible and, in many cases I am not against chemotherapy to kill the mold, however I would use it in much different doses than the traditional medical system uses. Also, I use a good deal of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which is very anticancer.
Now, if you look at cancer as a mold, then perhaps as a practitioner, you can come up with a good answer to go after that mold.
There is very little in that article that has any truth to it.
Cancer IS NOT a mold. Cancer is a mutation of cells from our the hosts body. We are not made up of mold cells.
And as I have pointed out numerous times Warburg has to be the most misquoted person on earth. What Warburg claimed was that cancer cells ferment REGARDLESS of the amount of oxygen present. This is also why hyperbaric oxygen is not very effective for cancer as the article claims.
There are also some contradictory statements in the article such as cancer developing when blood oxygen levels are low and venous pH high. First of all if this lead to the formation of cancer then why would we not develop cancer throughout the body since the venous pH will be the same throughout the body? But more importantly low oxygen levels in the blood, and especially with fermentation by cancer cells, leads to a decrease in blood pH, not a rise. Oxygen helps to remove acids from the blood raising pH. This again also contradicts the hyperbaric oxygen claim. Hyperbaric oxygen will raise venous pH, which he claims in part causes cancer.
If a pH below 7.32 killed off cancer cells then you would want to withhold oxygen to lower the pH, but again he is claiming that an oxygen level below 60% causes cancer.
So there are too many unsubstantiated and contradictory statements I see to take any of the claim seriously.
It amazes me how many ludicrous hypotheses people come up with concerning the cause of cancer. Clark claims it is parasites, someone on the cancer boards is claiming all cancers are caused from emotional trauma, this guy is claiming Candida fungi.............. The fact is that there is no single cause of cancer. Viruses account for the majority of cancers. Some are bacterial and there are even a few fungal cancers, such as liver cancer from aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus niger. There are some very rare parasitical cancers, and there are radiation induced cancers. There are also carcinogens, which may be more promoters than causes of cancer.
Regardless I addressed the fungus and baking soda as a cure here:
Servus Mariusz
This is a great example of how anything can be posted on the internet without a shred of evidence. They claim 1 in 3 Americans have some type of parasite living in their stomach. So what parasites are these that can survive stomach acid? And where is their proof that they infect 1 out of 3 Americans?
Don't see how this video has anything to do with the topic. In fact we don't even know what was really going on in the video unless you understand the language.
Again the video is about parasites, which is not the topic. You have gone from cancer being a fungus and killed by baking soda, which is unproven to parasites, which nobody denies exist but has nothing to do with the topic.
As far as I am concerned the whole parasite issue is very overblown. Yes they exist and yes they can be harmful. Are the very prevalent? Well that depends in large part on what part of the world you live in.
And do parasites cause cancer? They can, but parasitical cancers are EXTREMELY rare!
I have no reason to try it, I don't have cancer.
And I think he is overlooking a lot of important facts. For example if the tumors are fungi as he claims then why when the cells are examined under the microscope they do not appear as fungi? Fungi have cell walls, cancer cells have cell membranes for starters.
And again sodium bicarbonate can kill cells through an osmotic shift. So he has not proven that the bicarbonate is killing the cancer by killing Candida. He is basically putting the cart before the horse by claiming the cure is from the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) killing the Candida without first proving the Candida is even a cause of cancer.
"Clark claims it is parasites, someone on the cancer boards is claiming all cancers are caused from emotional trauma."
Same use similar tricks in the discussion and then complains to me that this is not related to the topic.
What tricks? And yes, it was off topic.
Seeing is not believing :)
Not when one is trying to pass of an assumption as fact. Acids will kill fungus as well so would injecting lactic acid in to the tumor also be a cure?
Users that speak the English language, and especially Americans are terribly lazy people.
Talk about lazy, you are posting videos of a so-called researcher who was so lazy that he could not even put forth the effort to prove that Candida was the cause of cancer before making the assumption that baking soda was killing cancer by destroying the fungus. Yep, some so-called researchers are only interested in the glory so they refuse to take the time to do the proper research to prove their hypothesis.