I have bad
Body Odor and bad breath. It has gotten to the point where I smell non stop everyday. Before it got this bad, I would only smell every other day but now it's really bad. I shower everyday and use déodorant, I always wear clean clothes but it's no use. My showers are always two hours long everyday, and I scrub a lot. The thing is whenever I put on deodorant I have difficulties removing it and as a result I stay in a shower for a long time and scrub too much. My armpits are very dark, irritated and very smelly. As a result I smell like I didn't shower for a week and when I put déodorant on top of it it produces one of the most disguting smell ever. Unlike some people here, I can smell my bo 9 out of 10 times. Combined with the réaction I get from people and my lack of social Life, I know it's not in my head. If I shower and don't put déodorant on, my dry and stale sweat Will be impossible to wash off when I shower again. My Life is hell. My diet isn't the greatest either. I'm not overweight but I don't eat healthy. I don't use antiperspirant anymore because it's even harder to remove. I use regular déodorant. Any advice. How do I stop the bad smell I know scrubbing made it worse. I should probably stop using deodorants for a while and treat my dark and bacteria infected pits, but how do I go about it? Excuse my English I speak French.