I'm compelled to write becuase of the amazing difference i had with my flush results when using a massager! I flush every weekend, using the alternate method, where you take an additional OO/GF mix in the morning. This past weekend was the first time i used a massager due to other posts in which it was recommended. I had an enormous amount - a literal toilet full -of tan stones and a large number of nickel size stones which finally stopped coming today. (Today being monday, and i did the flush this past friday.) In the approximate 18 flushes i've done, i've never had so many stones pass.
So, please try the massager for as long as it feels right, with as much vibration that feels right on the liver/gallblader areas, becuase you may be able to cut down on how many flushes needed to get stone free!!!
Yah for us!!!!
PS. You have to get LIGHT (as in color) organic cold pressed 100% olive oil, becuase there's an enormous difference in taste. Blending the OO/GF makes it much easier to drink - a refreshing creamy shake, really, especially when you're starving from not eating all day. I also suggest a straw.
And on the day of the flush, Synergy Kombucha (a cultured drink from fruit juice, found in the refrigerated section of most health food stores) is a yummy filling drink, and I think it helps get the liver ready.
Don't ask why but i actually look forward to my fluhes ;-)