Hey Stinky123,
Surfer27 here. Most of the members here on Curezone, just call me Ryan. Okay, I read your text on Curzone, about your fecal
Body Odor and other possible
Body Odor s you are going through and wanted to help, if I can! Okay, well like you, I too have had this fecal
Body Odor for 4 yrs but, my fecal body odor wasn't caused from taking any medication. My story is a different story and I don't know if it's related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but somehow, I don't think that's the case!! Okay, just wanted to ask you some personal questions, if that's okay? Alright first off, when did you first notice, you had an out of this world body odor? When age, did you approximately notice it started to happen for you? Second, are you able to work because of this fecal body odor condition of yours? Are you able to get through the workday okay, without anyone saying anything, or is it the complete opposite? Third, does your family or friends, smell your fecal body odor, or do they say they can't smell you? Fourth, is your fecal body odor sporadic, meaning it only comes on at certain times, or is it a constant fecal body odor that carries with you, throughout the whole day? Fifth, do you consider your fecal body odor, a malodor odor? By this I mean, that no amount of washing it off in the shower, gets rid of the smell? Lastly, I was just needing some input from you, in terms of what you've tried to combat this fecal body odor? Can you give me a brief listing, of the things you've tried to get rid of this fecal body odor condition? One last thing I wanted to add, was this. Have you ever considered testing for TMAU, Candida Albicans, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Anal Fissures, Fistula's, or Internal Hemorrhoids? I would think, that it could very well be related to the first and last suggestions, which is possibly TMAU, or possible a anal fissure or fistula. Of course, I know everyone's condition is different and difficult to diagnose, but have you looked into these following conditions before? Well, I hope that you find some much needed peace and relief from your problems!! I know how difficult it can be, to put up with all of these internal problems, because I can relate to all of that!! We just have to hang in there!! Hopefully, either sometime soon or in the future, we will all find some answers!! Hope to hear back from ya. Take care and God bless. Bye for now.
Ryan Annunziello