It's done. Check out my web site. "The Paradigm Shift" is now available to download.
That's where I've been the past couple of months. And hey, the next time I say I'm going to write another book someone please give me a good kick in the rear. So many other things get neglected during that process.
But this book has everything in it.
The cause and effect principle.
The Medical paradigm - Where you're at mentally right now.
The definition of health.
The cellular requirements out of the textbooks.
The Natural Healing Paradigm - Where you want to go.
The Paradigm shift that will take you there.
Believe it or not this is a new topic. Never before have the principles and fundamentals that governs ALL of Natural Healing been available. Which is exactly why I wrote it.
Back in 1980 when I first started investigating the rest of Natural Healing I was quite surprised to discover what a mess it is. I'm a chiropractor. I'm used to the precision and exactness of that science.
The Paradigm Shift is the end result of all those years of research, experimentation, and outright determination to set the rest of Natural Healing right. Give it some order, make it an exact science like Chiropractic is. And I think I've secceeded in doing so.
What are the rules, what are the fundamentals, what are the definitions??? Nobody knew. Well, now it's available and EVERYONE needs to read it - EVERYONE.
It'll answer a lot of the questions that get asked on not only this forum but the entire Curezone web site. It'll give you, the individual, a solid foundation to understanding what Natural healing is. Why it works and how to do it. It will literally bring you back from deaths doorstep. Or fine tune the abundant health you already enjoy.
So that's where I've been.
I sent the final draft to the publisher and web site people last Thursday and promptly went into the recovery phase of that effort. Its done.
Everyone who has a forum on this web site needs to read that book. It'll clarify and define what they do and why they do it.
What are the rules in the Natural Healing Paradigm that Barefoot uses, that Schulze uses, that anyone who is successful at getting sick people well uses? It's in the book.
Get it, read it and apply it. It'll be the most important book you ever read in your entire life.
Doc Sutter