Dominion theology has a strong foothold in America, as well as in the Islamic religious states. Both use the bible and or the quoran to justify colonisation and forced beliefs, by using political means to push their agenda.
Where? How? What particular part of any piece of legislation has the US congress passed recently that reflects this mentality?
Look at political/religious lobby groups. Although they don't make legislation, they put a lot of pressure on those that do.
You mean pressure on those who are in control to stop what they wish to do?
And looking at this from another perspective, what our current administration is attempting to do i.e. "to equalize people as much as possible" and "government arbitration in order to implement a liberal form of morality" is the antithesis of dominion theology or is it in line with the thinking behind infinite potential???
I may seem contentious here but I'm attempting to understand your point of view. I just don't get some people including some people who call themselves Christians.
The whole conservative/liberal divide is a construction of those in power to keep people busy so they never see the big picture.
At this point, I will not bother to inquire how your religious views affect your political views unless you wish to explain further.
I have seen InnerCalm paraphrase the above before. I disagreed with him but I never bothered to challenge him on it. The differences between conservatism and liberalism (and even more to the left - communism) is profound. They are so profound that I cannot really understand the mind of the liberal.
If you ask me, conservatism is a large threat to all those who are in high positions of power who wish to gain power by slowly taking freedom and liberty away from the American people. Conservatism is for personal responsibility and it doesn't view the vast majority of people as victims. It sees potential in almost everyone. It doesn't see people who are entitled to other people's money and services.
I would think if you wish to establish a new world order, you would want a bunch of liberal citizens. Liberals naturally rely on government to solve their problems or at least they feel they are entitled to benefits coming from government.
Liberalism does not compute in the universe of my thinking but then again, is it supposed to? It seems to me many statists and liberals in power look at people with contempt. It is as though they believe we cannot really help ourselves.
If there really is a conspriacy from the minds of the statists, i'm going to tell you my view right here. The conspiracy could be to teach society to completely rely on the left hemispheres of their brains and to not to teach anyone how to use their right hemispheres and the power behind it.
Maybe I can cut and paste this in the political debate forum and we can continue from there if you wish.
I don't have any religious beliefs, I see all religious belief systems as limited and pointless.
I almost used the word "metaphysical" instead of religious. Yes, I do beat my drums on the political debate forum. I so far remain convinced liberals cannot defeat conservatism in the real world or in arenas of debate. Conservatism is a part of what made the US the greatest country in history. It started with the Constitution.
I just don't understand why more people don't abandon certain belief systems in the light of enlightening statements and evidence. I think pride gets in the way. It is crushing to lose a debate but hey, we all have lost battles and games in the past.
I think you have a point on religion. Religion can be defined as a continuous practice of certain rituals. I don't see your point that it doesn't teach self responsibility. Aren't we responsible for our failures in following what we believe to be virtuous?
What are abstract concepts of morality? Certainly we all have them. Do these concepts not stem from religious or metaphysical points of view?
Religious or indeed any belief system that sees personal power coming from outside of the self, eg: (saved by god, forgiven by god, the devil made me do it, etc), abregates responsibility from the self.
Saved by god abrogates self-responsibility? I never looked at it that way before but I certainly don't believe I can lead an irresponsible life with no concern of what God may think of my actions. An example would be to break all of the 10 commandments or any one of them. A born again is certainly more concious of actions because they "instantly" have a new and different concious point of view. They may revert to old behaviors and habits but have added a new inner dimension as a part of their whole. I have tried to explain it to people in person but people just don't get it or just don't want to get it unless they experience it.