You are missing the point. Only those trained in RBTI can interpret the results of the tests.
First Dr Reams was not a medical Dr. He was biophysicist and biochemist.
The 7 factors are urine pH, urine brix, urine conductivity, urine nitrate, urine ammonia, urine turbidity (albumin), and saliva pH.
These are the tests and their optimal values for 100% energy:
An urine Brix (sugar) of 1.5---denoting an adequate energy level...
An urine pH of 6.4---signifying a proper mineral balance in the body...
A saliva pH of 6.4---pointing to sufficient digestive enzymes...
An urine conductivity between 4200 and 4900 microsiemens---showing correct body electrolytes...
An urine evaluation of 40,000 cellular particles per liter---verifying the replacement of worn-out cells...
An urine concentration of 3 parts per million nitrate---which shows the body is not overwhelmed with toxicity
An urine concentration of 3 parts per million ammonia---which speaks to prompt removal of this notorious metabolism byproduct...
About Dr. Carey Reams
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Dr. Reams was a bio-chemist who started out in the area of agriculture, plant and animal nutrition, and later brought many of the principles he learned there and applied them to human nutrition. He developed a systematic approach to balancing the chemistry of the body just like you balance the chemistry of the soil. Although he has since passed away there are a large number of practitioners of this method today and several people actively training others in this methodology.
Dr. Carey Reams studied under Albert Einstein as a young man. Reams had nearly a half century of experience working with a variety of crops in the southeast part of the United States. He and a student of his, Dr. Daniel Skow, explained the theory that Dr. Reams had developed and called “The Biological Theory of Ionization”. It is a spin-off of the technology that brought us the Atomic Age.
Dr. Reams was an Einstein-type mathematical genius. His mathematical ability was directed into biochemistry and the way it was affected by electromagnetic properties of elements as they combined to build life, as we know it in the plant, animal, and human kingdoms. Biological ionization then is the study of how energy becomes matter and how matter becomes energy on a continuous basis. Reams explained that when it comes to soil-plant interrelations the term energy is not being properly understood. He felt that the chemistry principles are only a part of the complete understanding–that it is soil biophysics that should be addressed. Reams explained that the energy for growing plants and animals come continually through two channels. One is the atmosphere and the other is the soil. This energy comes in three forms: heat, electricity, and matter- All matter has within it heat and electricity. It is these forms of energy that are responsible for magnetic force.
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