When you do the actual cleanse....do you absolutely have to use epsom salt? or is it possible to just substitute a couple doses worth of the Magnesium Citrate?
Its much more pleasant to the taste than the epsom salt.
Or.....ive read you can mix the Epsom Salt with apple juice.
are there any recommendations on how to make the Epsom Salt more palatable??
See my post of last week under "Hate Epsom Salts ?", I have explained how I substitite ES with magnesium citrate. Like you, I was scared first and thought it HAD to be ES ( I took it in 1/2 Grapefruit juice, 1/2 water), but in my last 10 flushes I stayed with magnesium citrate. From my personal experience, magnesium citrate does the same thing, just more pleasant.
Do you use the liquid Mag. Citrate that you get from the
Pharmacy or the Mag. Citrate capsules and if it is the liquid,
do you take one bottle like at 8:00 P.m. and then
repeat one bottle in A.M.? Thanks for you reply.