pheasant soup
I have been struggling with and beating candida, maintaining a strict
Sugar free diet, and also attacking it with raw garlic, Grape fruit seed extract and Caprylic acid. I was doing much better and seemed to have turned a real corner when I Fucked up by giving myself a
Liver Flush with out any of the prep work or the post flush colonic. I was really ill the next and threw up then basically sat around for a day in my bed. The next day I had a full day of diarreah, so I had a full day of liver crap inside me. The last two weeks Have basically been crap, I have had severe internal itching and an overall lack of energy. I Just started doing A herbal liver cleanse As Provided by richeard schulze seeing some progress but the itching is still fairly present and I`m starting to get a bit freaked out. Any suggestions would be geatly appreciated. Thanks a lot….matt