Hello Donna,
I'm sorta nerved up about what will happen, as the last humaworm, made my belly break out in a itchy rash. All over the belly! After I started using,Schultz' IF 2 it receded.
I've done a few different angles of LFing. Clarks, Sensibles(julia chang), GHCenters... They all have worked very well for me. Now days, I just think about what I have available to work with, and just do it. Though....
It's always much much better, with prep time, AND like you said, a BIG no fat day of eating the day of the flush. You get much better results. Even now as I type, I can tell that it's time for another flush, my digestion is really bad. Ginger helps, before during and after...the flush.
Over the past 3 years, I've been buying/making cayenne tincture, and taking it off and on. I make it with Habaneros and African Birds eye peppers. When I use it faithfully, I note that I have more episodes of liver congestion. One would think that odd, maybe, but for me, it proves that I still have alot of liver flukes or other creatures, taking up space in my liver. Cayenne tincture works well to kill them but, their leftover carcasses quickly congest my liver.
So, hopefully, I'll be able to LF this Saturday night, and later(if needed). Or, before, if necessary. I want to be ready before beginning my 'humy worm'.
It is a happy time, to be able to look forward to positive changes, Humaworm is helping me, and I know it's going to take awhile. But, I am in it for the long haul... my daughter and her entire family will start at this Jan. new moon too. Except for the little baby. My mother will begins hers in Feb.
What really helps is knowing that there are many others like you, who are 'dedicated' too. It's a blessing to read all the posts, soak up and learn. There are many different reactions to the workings of Humaworm! It's wonderful just knowing, what is normally expected as 'die off'.
Thank you, Donna, for taking the time to share. I am glad that you are doing so well. Happy New Year:-)
many blessings, pam/momo