I had a dream, a lucid dream, this morning. I was in a large modern building, a library, with a central atrium, and many floors. In this library were a lot of people reading, talking on mobile phones, a cafe where people were eating and drinking.
In this dream I was flying around this building, listening to what people were saying, all the people were talking about problems, family problems, global problems, etc etc.
One woman noticed me flying and asked how I was doing this, and how she could do this. I told her I didn't know how this was done, all I knew was that I had stopped believing that I couldn't fly, and it just happened.
A man on the ground floor, asked me to fly up to the next floor and get him a book on how to fly. I flew up , got the book, and he read it. He began trying to fly, but the book he was holding (it was a big book), was keeping him on the ground. I told him to put the book down, let go of it, and he could fly. He replied that "if I don't have the book, I'll forget how to do it".
This was a concious dream, and I was aware of my participation in it.
Comments would be welcome :)