I am not going to go in to a long explanation of this because there is so much to cover but I have no doubt in my mind that our government was involved. The evidence to this is actually overwhelming.
One of the most intriguing things I recall was on world news they were discussing that the French authorities had several suspects in custody that were supposed to be involved. And that the French authorities had told the CIA about the plot several weeks before it occurred. This was only mentioned once then it was never brought up again, just like when the CIA crashed the plane in New York that was full of cocaine the CIA was smuggling in to the country. It was on world news one night along with all the video but it was never mentioned after that.
And on PBS I was watching a documentary that I found pretty interesting. They mentioned that the second tower ha been pretty much evacuated before the second plane struck, but they were telling people to go back to work in the second tower before it was struck. This is why the death toll was so high. So why would they tell people to go back to work when there would be so many firetrucks and police cars out there that at 5pm when everyone gets out of work they would not be able to go anywhere? Keep in mind that there were still three planes out there that they knew were hijacked.
And why is it that one of the planes was allowed to get through the no-fly zone around the Pentagon without any action being taken. Normally any plane entering this no-fly zone would have been confronted or shot down long before it got that close. Yet here they have a plane they know is hijacked, and they have already seen twice what the planes are being used for yet they did not scramble fighters until one minute before the plane hit.
I also find it interesting that both after Oklahoma City and again after 911 the government had new laws restricting our freedoms passed within 3 days. It takes a lot longer than 3 days to write up such bills let alone pass them especially in the middle of such chaos, which just goes to show that in both cases that they were ready to go before hand. People are not going to voluntarily relinquish their rights, so they have to create situations where they can convince the people that they have to give up their rights for their own protection. And the people fell for it as usual.
What I found most interesting about the whole thing is how closely it paralleled Pearl Harbor. If you study Pearl Harbor again the government was aware of the attack well in advance. This has been proven, but you can look all this up. The government needed an excuse to get in to the war, so they had to allow the attack. After 911 it also gave Bush to get in to a war, which he and his cohorts profited vastly from. Even when Haliburton, who Bush' cronies had ties to, got caught fraudulently overcharging the government nobody was prosecuted, they never had to pay back the money, then they were going to incorporate in Dubai to avoid having to pay taxes to the US for their legally and illegally obtained profits. But such fraud runs deep in the Bush family. During WWII granddaddy Bush and his buddies were charged with aiding the enemy for supplying oil and other supplies to the Germans to keep the war going to boost their own war profits. And BEFORE the invasion of Kuwait desert warfare training was stepped up and troops were moved in to position showing that the US knew about the planned invasion ahead of time. But again the Bush family profited handsomely from this war. Back to Pearl Harbor. Radar operators followed the planes coming in for hours and no attempt was made to check out why so many planes were flying in formation towards a military base in the middle of a war. After the first wave of attacks radar operators still followed a second wave of planes that later attacked the other side of the island, and again nothing was done to stop them. With 911 there were four hijacked planes, the government was told about the attacks ahead of time, nothing was done to stop the attacks, even after the first two planes crashed they still allowed a third plane they knew was hijacked and what they were doing with them to enter restricted airspace unchallenged, and the whole thing gave the government an excuse to go to war.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, but I did not plan to even spend time typing this much on the topic. I generally don't talk about these things often because most people don't want to hear it or believe it. No matter how much evidence there is people would rather put the blinders on and still bury their heads in the sand. I ran in to this problem when I wrote my book on AIDS. It did not matter how much evidence I presented, which included the government's own request for the funding of the virus and the WHO's publications describing their production of immune collapsing viruses and their intentional introduction through vaccinations. It is there is black and white, public records, yet people did not want to hear about them. It was always some stupid comment like "our government would not do something like that"!!! What about the spraying of bacterial agents on US cities in the 50s to test how to best spread biological warfare agents that the US government performed. Or the LSD testing they did on military and civilians without their knowledge? The deliberate release of radiation from Hanford nuclear power plant to test the effects of the radiation on the surrounding population that went on over 50 years? The same for the radiation experiments on military and civilians they performed from the Nevada Test Site during atomic blasts? Or the Tuskegee Alabama syphilis experiment that also went on for decades? These are just a few of the known examples. So yes, people can call me a conspiracy theorist, but at least I am not a sheep going voluntarily to slaughter.
Now we need to get you to open your mind within the consciousness realm.
Here, have some ayahuasca.
If I wanted to use drugs I know which readily available cacti contain mecaline and phenylethylamine. But I don't do drugs. I have never even tried marijuana.
I dare ya.
I double dare ya.
I guarantee the tone of your posts will change over night;-)
Science will be transcended in one fell swoop to conscious knowingness.
Banging my head hard over and over against a cement wall would also change the tone of my posts overnight, but I would not enjoy that either.
Conspiracy is a great study often with much speculation upon facts along with some personal baggage.Pearl Harbor is a great study of this phenomenon of personal distortion of hindsight.
What is funny about conspiracies is that people get called conspiracy theorists then years later the records get released proving what was said all along. Look at how many years people said the government started the fires at the Branch Davidian Compound in Texas run by David Koresh in 1993. 80 people were killed including 23 children. But the government kept claiming Koresh started the fires until a few years ago after everyone had forgotten what happened. The a government spokesperson made an announcement on the news that the records showed that Koresh DID NOT start the fires and that the fires were in fact started by Federal agents.
And look at the JFK incident. If they have nothing to hide then why have they sealed the records until something like 2030 after everyone involved will be long dead?
"Even when Haliburton, who Bush' cronies had ties to, got caught fraudulently overcharging the government nobody was prosecuted, they never had to pay back the money, then they were going to incorporate in Dubai to avoid having to pay taxes to the US for their legally and illegally obtained profits" - Hv
Dick Cheney was CEO of Haliburton, until just before he became US VP. Severance pay continued for a few years too.
Yes, that is why said Bush cronies. Seems that the people tightly connected to Bush were getting all the no-bid contracts for the war supplies. And now the US oil companies that the Bush family is part of are taking over the oil in Iraq. The whole war is about the oil and profits for Bush and his buddies. As far as I am concerned Bush and his buddies should have been arrested and put on trial for a long list of illegal acts.