Here are my suggestions, primarily listen to your 'doctor within' on all these things it can guide you. Below are things I would do based on what you are describing. It's not easy but it can help return you to health.
It took a solid 2 weeks before I started to expel anything BIG on Humaworm. The product builds up in your system so the more days that go by the more is in your system. RG has said that even up to 7 days after the last dose you are very 'full' of the potent herbs. So stick with it and if you need stronger - call RG's team and describe what you think you have and ask them for a specific 'extra' strength version. You can also add a bit more black walnut, wormwood tincture daily and try to eat as much raw crushed garlic three times a day that you can stomach. It can be in salsa or food but don't cook the garlic - crush it and get it into your system.
Be sure that you bowel movements are regular (2 or 3 a day) and drink at least a gallon of pure (distilled or RO) water daily.
I would also recommend a colon cleanse with either RG's or Schulz's for at least 2 weeks if not longer and keep the bowel movement at 2-3 daily.
Then do the in between herbs for the 90 day break and then hit the same protocol (Humaworm extra strength, garlic, wormwood, black walnut, colon cleanse).
As RG says the longer you have had the issue the longer it takes to get it under control.
You can do it - just keep doing your best to think positive and keep your spirits as high as you can at this time. No matter how sick you are - your body is at all times working hard to return to health. Marvel at all the things that are working in your body - millions of things are working correctly even though you feel ill.
Finally - if you can - buy a juicer and start juicing every day (lots of cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, celery, carrots, chard, and some apples, bananas, beets, coconut juice ) everyday 4-5 cups and do not eat anything processed at this time and avoid all animal protein.
All the best - blessings and light - you can beat this!