Dr Mom
Peacelovinggirl - your title says it all - wouldn't the world be a better place if there were more of you! I'm assuming this birth is taking place in a hospital - otherwise there is no reason for this question. If you are birthing at home and there is an emergency with the baby - whatever pediatrician is on call in the emergency room will deal with it. If you are birthing in a hospital and do not have a personal pediatrician you are working with, then let her know you will use the one on call at the hospital. Then make sure you have 'rooming in' for the baby which means the baby will be staying with you. When it has to go to the nursery for check-ups - make sure your husband or mother accompany the baby at all times. If you do not want the baby immunized while in the hospital - sign all of the necessary wavers and then do not let the baby leave your room alone. If this sounds a little over dramatic - believe me - it's not! I know of too many instances where PKU tests and immunizations were done when no one was there to stop it.
I am fortunate to have an older, down-to-earth pediatrician whom I have known for years which respects me enough to work with me. When he is gone, I'm not sure I will ever find another like him. However, under normal circumstances, the only time I need a pediatrician is in an emergency situation. I don't do 'well' baby checks or immunizations, so there really isn't any need. In an emergency I use the one on call. If the midwife insists on a name - give her one - anyone you want to. They will call them in to do a check-up - the doctor will come in once to report on your beautiful, healthy baby - you will tell him you do not want any immunizations at this time due to complications that have occurred with other family members (I'm sure someone in the family had a fever with some immunization) - you want the baby's immune system to mature a little more - he will explain the dangers involved with your decision - you will thank him and that will be that.
Good Luck1 Keep me posted on how you're doing!